Things to Consider Before Hiring an SEO Company in Detroit

Posted by aqabatechno on June 26th, 2015

There is no question that SEO is necessary if you want to improve your website's performance in organic searches. The question however still remains: Should you outsource SEO or keep it in-house?

One of the most important things you should remember when taking this decision is the time and resources it will consume to maintain a working SEO campaign. Optimization can get taxing if you are running a large website or a sizeable online operation. Just the same, small sites can also work your in-house team up, considering the many tasks and processes that a good campaign entails. Hiring an SEO company in Detroit, Michigan is a worthwhile investment if, you:

•    cannot handle the amount of work with the limited manpower

•    lack proper personnel with the technical knowledge and experience in search optimization

•    have no idea of how and where to start a campaign

When you do decide to hire an agency to take care of your SEO needs, here are other things you should keep in mind:

•    Guarantees and promises – No SEO agency, no matter how experienced or how big they have gotten over the years can ever guarantee a first place position (or any position, for that matter) in search results. Only search engines know for sure exactly how websites will rank based on their unique algorithms. The best SEO agencies can promise is apply best practices that will increase your chances of surpassing your competitors in searches. Skip service providers that offer guaranteed results and choose ones that offer a full SEO edit and tailor optimization based on your needs and Google's best practices.

•    Jargons and buzzwords – Make sure that the agency can explain exactly what they can offer and do for your company in words that you can clearly understand. SEO is a complex process comprising of several other methodologies that can be quite confusing for the inexperienced. Don't be intimidated by buzzwords and jargons. Instead, ask plenty of questions until you gain clear understanding of what you are paying for. Any agency worth their salt will be able to explain things in a language that you can comprehend.

•    Work portfolio – Finally, ask to see a sampling of the company's previous work so you can have a glimpse of what the agency can offer. This will also help you determine whether or not they can live up to your expectations in terms of how you want optimization to be done.

About the Company:
Aqaba Technologies, established in 2004, is a Certified Google Partner and an independent digital advertising agency. They help businesses to navigate the new socially engaged web. Their services include web design & development, marketing automation, reputation management, PPC management, program management & search engine optimization services in Detroit, Michigan.

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Joined: February 24th, 2015
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