Apple Enterprise Account

Posted by MichealH Alexander on April 10th, 2021

We have bought apple enterprise account for multiple years, we have lots of experiences in this, If you have ready enterprise account which you will not use any more , you can sell to us , if you still need to use your account, you can also sell to us. If you know people who are working in the IOS, you can ask them if they have.

If you already have enterprise account , you should know that have to pay apple annual fee which is the membership expense. Buy Apple Developer Enterprise Account

Apple enterprise account membership can be renewed within 30 days before it expires, developer can also renew the membership after a few days, the account will show membership valid timeline, please note that if you delay too long time to renew the membership, you membership might be canceled, you will need to apply again from the beginning, you will have to submit the enterprise account enrollment again, it’s not sure that you can easily get approved again. There is another situation that if you enroll a new apple enterprise account , after apple accepts your enrollment, you should purchase the apple fee as soon as possible, after about 15-30 days, if you still finish payment, apple will cancel the approval , you will have to submit enrollment again too. It will be uncertain that if apple can accept your application again or not, so in case of that problem, please login your account or email consistently, apple will remind you the expiration date.

If you are ready to sell account to us, and it happens to be the time that account needs to be renewed the membership , you can let us do it, we can use our card to purchase the apple fee, if you want to do it yourself, you need to use you Apple ID to login your developer account, you will find “renew” option, then click it, follow the guide, step by step, if your membership is still in the valid timeline when you renew, then your membership authority can be activated when the current membership reaches the timeline, and you will have two TSI. In the membership page, you will see expiration date changes. Recycle Apple Developer Enterprise Account

After you input all your credit card correctly, you may receive bank message that your card is deducted, then you can check your account, if the timeline does not change, don’t worry , you can patiently wait some hours , then you will find the time renew too, which means your membership is renewed. One small difference with your first apple fee purchase, you will not receive welcome mail this time.

There is one situation that you payment to apple might fail, sometimes it’s the card bank problem, apple can not obtain your payment, they will send you message, then you can use a different card to purchase the fee again, if problem still exists , then you need to contact developer support.

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MichealH Alexander

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MichealH Alexander
Joined: September 11th, 2019
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