Goji Plus - Weight-Loss Supplements Myths and Facts

Posted by Veronica Dewi on July 2nd, 2015

With the increasingly tight routine, it is common for our diets do not give account to meet all the needs that our body needs. Therefore, the use of dietary supplements has become increasingly common in order to achieve various goals such as weight loss, more energy on a daily basis, more focus on daily activities, among others.

Thinking about it, come talk today of a product that is occupying the top of the list among the best selling supplements: Goji Plus. So powerful that it is already being called "super food". Read on to learn all about the supplement: What is its composition? What is your action? Goji Plus loses weight? You have contraindications?

What is GojiPlus?

Let its composition and what the benefit of each of the substances present in Goji Plus:

Vitamin C

The wolfberry is a berry fruits with a higher level of Vitamin C are known that, coming to have more than 50 times longer than orange.

Amino Acids

The presence of amino acids is important because it combats the aging of cells. Some of them are not found naturally in food, and so it is important to be complemented.

Minerals Such As Iron, Calcium and Germanium

Minerals are another element that we often do not hit our goal everyday consumption. Some of them are important anticancer:



Polysaccharides are important to regulate the level of glucose in the blood to help fight diabetes.



This is a substance that you should probably never have heard. Tryptophan acts on the nervous system and helps to prevent damages arising out of depression and stress.


Much has been said of antioxidants, is not it? But you know exactly what it is? Antioxidants, such as flavonoids, are responsible for fighting the aging of cells, leaving them always healthy and preventing diseases such as cancer.


Beta-sitosterol has anti-inflmatória action, and acts directly into the circulatory system.

What's better: Consuming fruit dehydrates or capsules?

Many people look to us with this question, as the Goji Berry is found in its fresh form, dried, and capsules, such as the product we're talking about in this post. According to nutritionists, the advantage of consuming the product in capsules is that you can use the same amount every day, and yet you have your concentrated formula. In dried form, fruit is quite irregular, and then you are not able to take the right amount daily, which can disrupt the absorption of nutrients.

Goji Plus indications

As the Goji Plus is a natural supplement, it has no contraindications and can be used even by the elderly. The only restriction is in relation to people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In such case, our recommendation is that you seek medical attention for him to do the best dosage for your needs.

Secure Shopping

Acquiring Goji Plus the official product site you will have the assurance of performing a safe and free purchase of frauds and forgeries. In addition, the GojiPlus guarantees money back if you are not satisfied with the product.

And then? He became interested in including Goji Plus in your diet? Buy, use, and come back here to tell us your experience! If you already use, tell in the comments what you think!

Where to Buy Goji Plus?

Currently the safest place to buy on the internet is your official site, http://www.dailyfitnessideas.com/goji-plus-funciona-revisao/. Buying on the official website you protect from tampering and fraud and avoid putting their health at risk. In addition, the manufacturer of Goji Plus Supplement is with a promotion that can make you save up to 58% in the value of your order. To better understand, go to the site and make a simulation.

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Veronica Dewi

About the Author

Veronica Dewi
Joined: June 11th, 2015
Articles Posted: 136

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