Eco friendly Store in Australia

Posted by sherkhansahu on April 12th, 2021

Eco friendly Store in Australia

Welcome to keli collective. We are an eco friendly store striving to bring you products that are safer for you and the environment.Using natural ingredients with no harmful chemicals. Reducing the use of plastic for a cleaner planet.

We only use compostable and biodegradable materials for all our packaging and postage.

The old maxim of travelling light if you are going away for a long period of time certainly holds true, and if you are studying in another country it helps to do some advance planning to ensure you only take what's absolutely necessary.

In this article I describe how to avoid the conflict riddled elements of the jewellery industry like diamonds, gem stones and gold. Fortunately there are plenty of clean alternatives available and there is no reason to feel conscience-stricken about wearing jewellery when buying it from a jeweller, who you can trust and who is true to her or his value. Eco-friendly jewellery is now a worldwide phenomenon with only Australia having a bit of catching up to do. Eco friendly Store in Australia

We all would have heard the expression' Blood Diamonds' or would have seen the movie. This of course refers to the unethical methods in which diamonds have fueled civil wars in Africa, especially in Angola, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Billions of dollars from the illicit trades were used to finance insurgencies. War lords were able to buy their armory on the black market with these diamonds which then infiltrated the world market and came out the other end indistinguishable from any diamond that would have been mined ethically. This naturally lead to a big resentment within the jewellery buying public, who was not prepared to support a commodity, which was linked to so much bloodshed, child labour, rape and total disregard to human rights.

But not only the funding of these conflicts had turned many buyers off diamonds, the environmental devastation it had created by changing the land into irreparable moonscapes. The cost to humans and wildlife was another reason why diamonds had gained such a bad reputation.

Some of the negative aspects surrounding diamonds can also be attributed to many of the colored gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc. The financing of wars and conflicts was never as prevalent as with diamonds but many of the environmental and human rights problems are pretty much the same. The exploitation of workers, the poverty and poor conditions around mining sites, child labor and the total control by mine owners with the aid of the army is all too familiar. These predicaments are then well extended into the value adding phase of gem stones, namely the cutting and polishing. Diamond and gem cutters in unregulated countries work in overcrowded surroundings for a tiny wage for long hours.

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