Fixed Triple Triad Tournament points on Final Fantasy XIVPosted by Cassandra27 on July 4th, 2015 The official forum of FFXIV is active currently, and Square Enix has unveiled the upcoming updates in FFXIV Heavensward. For example, there will be a new system to prevent kicked players from returning the same party and an adjustment to make people earn the same amount of points from NPCS as before. Additionally, it is confirmed that boats come to Heavensward. 1. Fixed Triple Triad Tournament points In Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward, there was an adjustment to the points earned for Triple Triad tournaments, so players can earn more points when matched against other players. But that led to the decrease of points earned from NPCs compared to the expected value. The developers have taken this issue into consideration, and an upcoming adjustment will make players earn the same amount of points they were able to get previously from NPCs. After the hotfix, you can buycheap ff14 gil to make points from NPCs. 2. New system to prevent kicked people from re-joining Your eyes did not deceive you actually. There will be an officially new system to prevent players from returning to the same party. Recently, some people called for a fix to kicked people being able to re-join. That is to say, once a dungeon group kicks someone, that person should not be able to just re-que for that dungeon and re-join the group they were kicked from. Yeah, it looks ridiculous, but the devs plan to make s new system for that in future. 3. Boats in Heavensward confirmed With flying mounts added to Heavensward, boats will be available in FFXIV new expansion so that players become almighty in this game. It is said that FFXIV 4.0 would be a sea-based expansion featuring ocean currents that have to be attuned to. Would you like to adventure underwater zone like in WOW? Now you have boats, along with Flying Mounts, so it is time to gear up and conquer FFXIV Heavensward. Additionally, will always be here to help you out with cheapest ffxiv gil. is safest shop to buy wow gold, fifa coins, runescape gold, swtor credits & other mmo gold.FFXIV Gil Promotion – 5% Off Code: CUSHYGAME – For All Worlds FFXIV Gil
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