Babies Helmets: Safe and Non-invasive Treatment for Head Deformities

Posted by shorthillscranialcenter on April 15th, 2021

This article is all about babies’ helmets. It talks about why doctors advise parents to make their babies wear these helmets. Plagiocephaly or baby helmets offer you a completely safe and non-invasive treatment for asymmetrical and wide-head shapes. These helmets do not interfere with the infant’s development and work exactly in the same manner as teeth braces.


If you think that your infant is suffering from head deformation, baby helmets become very necessary. The most common cause of babies wearing these helmets is that they can treat flat-head syndrome or craniosynostosis. They are worn to help babies’ skulls grow well. With the help of a helmet, their skull can take a proper shape.


Not all infants with an abnormal head shape need positional plagiocephaly. Several factors contribute to positional plagiocephaly. In a majority of cases, the issue gets fixed till the child is 5-year old. However, if the parents are concerned about the skull’s shape not growing well, they can help with an infant helmet in New Jersey or elsewhere.


These helmets are made up of light foam and have a semi-flexible shell. Doctors advise the parents to make their babies wear these helmets when early signs of positional plagiocephaly are detected in the infants.


Advantages of a Plagiocephaly Helmet: Plagiocephaly helmets offer you a wide range of benefits. The first and foremost one is that these helmets are clinically proven and can help infants achieve a perfectly symmetrical head shape and more symmetrical facial features.


Some people do not believe in helmet therapy because plagiocephaly is just a cosmetic condition, and its cure can be in the hands of nature only. That is not true, however. Doctors advise babies with head deformities to wear these helmets. It has been speculated that helmet therapy can cut down the risk of developing a certain type of disorder associated with craniofacial symmetry.


Hemet therapy can work wonders. Just by applying a certain amount of gentle and continual pressure on your babies developing skull all through the body, you can promote their growth evenly. Doing so does not hurt them, and once your infants are well-adapted to wearing this clothing, it would not interfere in their day-to-day activities and development.


It is also seen that helmet therapy can cut down the risk of developing certain types of disorders associated with craniofacial asymmetry. A commonly caused knock-on effect of plagiocephaly can lead to a temporomandibular joint disorder associated with speech disorders and severe pain levels. In short, ababy medical helmet in New York or elsewhere is much in demand because these helmets do not hurt, are safe and do not hamper a baby’s ongoing development.


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