Dragging children forcibly, ordering them around, forcing ideas on them is not the way to discipline a child. Rationality works miracles on the psyche of a child. Understand more about your child by spending quality time with him and make your child understand the challenges of parenting. Now assistance is always at hand and you can enjoy the best moments with your child and collect loads of their childhood memories to savour for a lifetime.
It’s not easy bringing up children well, but it is possible! Children can be happy most of the time if you pay attention to them. And it’s a parent’s duty to raise happy kids, but is this possible? Many parents wonder how to go about it? How can we define happy kids in today’s scenario? Focus on long term happiness instead of “the now”! Habits are going to last them a lifetime and that is what it is important to raise happy kids. Instant gratification should not be the goal rather it is a step towards lifelong peace and contentment. Let’s see how we can do this:
Outdoor activities like running, climbing, playing in the garden are rejuvenating activities for children. Walking and playing in nature work wonders for the mood of the child. The scent of the greenery works wonders on the child’s disposition. This also helps inculcate positive qualities such as self-control, engaging in activities and tasks and empathy. In future, this can be very helpful in nurturing personal relationships and society skills. Get ready to raise happy kids. Introduce plenty of outdoor activities for them. Once the kids learn self control they learn how to interact with other children and play with them happily.
Reduce technology and TV watching to a minimum. Endless hours spend on the screen effects the psychological well-being of a child. Digital devices are definitely the last option to keep a child busy, rather encourage sports, religious activities, homework, and housework etc in children. Make these into interesting play activities by singing and dancing along so that they don’t seem boring to children. Kids love laughing, playing and singing as they work. Parental involvement is the ideal way to raise happy kids at home.
Teach your children gratitude. Grateful people stay physically and mentally healthy. Encourage plenty of “thank you” in the life of your child. Sincere wishes and thanks in front of your kids will help them incorporate it in their daily routine. This will help improve quality of relationships and make the child smile often. Raise happy kids with gratitude as a part of their lives. Encourage talking about all the things you are grateful for at the dining table or playroom every night. Soon, the children will look for reasons to be happy and thankful. Small notes, gifts, reminders for thanks will make the activity interesting and playful as well.
You also need to have realistic expectations from your child. You child faces various struggles and challenges each day. He is striving to make a mark so make things easy for him and keep your expectations reasonable. Let’s accept our children the way they are, embrace them, love them and raise happy kids!
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Mamazen Joined: August 3rd, 2020 Articles Posted: 10