How to solve the problems of newlyweds?Posted by Foret Horet on April 15th, 2021 After the wedding, the newly-minted spouses face many problems. Protect yourself by knowing what unpleasant surprises are in store for you and how to deal with them. Young couples rarely think about what to expect in the future. They make plans, but do not negotiate household trifles that can poison their married life. Psychologists advise, before the responsible step of creating a family, to pay attention to living together, to discuss the financial side, the housing issue and the moments that you have to go through. After the wedding euphoria, weekdays come, which are fraught with many problems for newlyweds. However, even in this situation, couples have problems. The most important of them you can overcome by reading this article. 5 main problems of newlyweds and how to solve them1. Post-wedding depressionIn the first weeks after the wedding, some newlyweds begin to experience not joy, but boredom or even sadness. The point is that couples spend months, if not years, planning a wedding. When the holiday and honeymoon are over, they are forced to return to their daily routine. And it's not very inspiring. Decision 2. Lack of personal time and space"My spouse is my best friend." There is nothing wrong with this attitude, unless you turn into Siamese twins and isolate yourself from your previous environment. Then the merger can go sideways. Decision 3. Upset parentsA new family is also a new relationship with other families, parental. And at first, these relationships can be tense: parents will be offended that you devote little time to them, or jealous that you meet with another pair of parents more often. Decision 4. Unleavened sexSex after marriage exists, but it may not be as enjoyable as it used to be. Probably because before marriage, its goal is to strengthen the bond between partners, and after, as a rule, to create a child. In this case, sex becomes like work and does not cause the same storm of feelings. Decision 5. Endless criticismLiving together in a new status is a test for a couple. You will grind, you will surely face misunderstandings and irritation. This is normal - the main thing is that the relationship does not turn into an exchange of reproaches. It also happens that there is no open confrontation, but one of the spouses is under stress. And this is also a problem. Decision There is no need to carry negative habits of the past into family life. Your foundations are now not only yours, and you will have to put up with this. Remember a simple truth: love alone does not go far, so always look for compromises in a given situation. Start small: find out what your chosen one likes for breakfast, so as not to be offended if he does not eat healthy porridge cooked with love. There may be many options for your dissatisfaction, however, through joint efforts and heart-to-heart talks, you will be able to emerge victorious from another crisis situation. Family life is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Women should remember that they have the wisdom and sensitivity that will always help you find a solution to any problem. Eliminate scandals from scratch and replace them with constructive dialogues. In this case, your couple will be happy, and over time, all disagreements will fade away. Like it? Share it!More by this author |