Essential Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Outdoor LED screen

Posted by Kevin Lashley on April 16th, 2021

LED displays are one of the best ways to get attention to your brand. Whether it is an LED display at a corporate event, an LED by the roadside, or an LED display in your office building, it is the best way to grab attention and display important content on screens. Screens today have evolved to crystal clear pictures and bright colours. They are a far better option than the traditional print hoardings. The advancement in LED technology has offered business owners and advertisers the opportunity to benefit from functional, effective, and affordable outdoor LED screens.

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For brands that wish to benefit from this developing opportunity, here’s a look at some tips to make the most of  LED display:

Protection from weather

It is important that you protect the LED from changing weather. When the water reaches inside the LED enclosure, the display can get damaged or completely fail. For preventing this risk of rain damage, you need to ask the technician to place a closed-loop air circulation system to isolate the display enclosure and protect it from moisture. Also, you should always look for LED displays that have IP ratings. The IP rating is the measure of water resistance and protection against solid object contact.

Choose the best hardware

There are specific types of displays for certain types of climates. You should choose the display accordingly, especially if you live in a location that experiences extreme temperature fluctuations. Choosing a full outdoor category LED screen will offer you peace of mind that it won’t get harmed by direct sunlight or snow. It will always display the required content irrespective of how hot or cold.

Temperature regulations

The outdoor LED screens need the specific internal temperatures to function properly as they are constantly operating. You must take steps to avoid overheating issues like mismatched colours, dying pixels, and fading pictures. For protecting the screen against such risks, the outdoor screen must have an HVAC system that can regulate the internal temperature.


The outdoor display should have the right amount of brightness for capturing the attention of viewers. The screen needs to be highly visible to combat the brightness of direct sunlight. The content on the screen will become more attractive only when you choose high-brightness and high-contrast displays. The display won’t be visible in direct sunlight unless the screen has a brightness rating of 2000 nits i.e., the measure of luminance. If the display is weaker than this measurement, you need to put the screen under the tent or block the sun exposure.

Never use an indoor screen for outdoors

This is common sense, but someone might try to use an indoor screen for outdoor events. However, it’s a big no. It takes away the purpose of an outdoor LED screen and reduces the effectiveness of your content. This is not the best way of cutting costs. The display will fail, and no one will be able to see the content. Also, a non-weatherproof LED will have a huge risk of damage. 


When choosing a LED screen, make sure that the screen is maintained and serviced. Only a LED in good condition will be able to solve the purpose. It is natural for LEDs to wear out over time and get a beating from the weather. Routine maintenance will keep the screen bright and healthy. 

These tips will help make the most out of your investment in the outdoor LED screen rental service. The LED screens are an important part of the events, and when chosen carefully, they can offer good ROI.

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Kevin Lashley

About the Author

Kevin Lashley
Joined: April 16th, 2021
Articles Posted: 6

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