Significant COVID-19 Impact on Rubber | Chemical and Materials Industry | Data B

Posted by Prakash on April 19th, 2021

COVID-19 Impact on Rubber in the Chemical and Materials Industry 


Rubber industry is one of those industries that are tremendously impacted due to breakout of COVID-19. Rubber is mainly cultivated in two forms: natural and synthetic, where natural accounts for maximum 25% share of the rubber used in the industry. Natural rubber is mainly produced in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Synthetic rubber is used as raw materials for almost all the rubber products that are used in our daily lives.

The worldwide consumption of rubber has shown a remarkable increase since decades. During 1993-2003, the growth was recorded somewhere between 3.5% to 4%, which has increased by more than 5% by 2018. But as the rubber industry is interconnected with many other industries such as FMCG, electronics, transportation and many others, the dip in the production and manufacturing of rubber based products has hit these industries as well. Additionally, the downfall of demand from the end-user industries has also led to decline in growth of rubber consumption in 2019 and the effects are more clearly visible in 2020.

As the non-tire application of rubber account for more than 50% of the share, a slowdown in demand from those applications has hit the rubber market severely. Also, the decline in imports by top two consumers of natural rubber is also a reason for severe impact of COVID-19 on rubber industry.


Though the outbreak of coronavirus has impacted the rubber industry in many ways, it has also brought several opportunities for the rubber manufacturers. At one side, the demand for natural and synthetic rubber has declined, the production has also declined with more than 5%, many production sites are running at 50% capacity and many end-user industries are struggling to receive their raw material (natural and synthetic rubber), on the other hand rubber associations are using it as an opportunity to curb the imports from China and increase their reliance on domestic industry.

As per the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), restrictions on import of rubber tyres from China will pave the way for increased domestic production and will also increase the amount of exports along with job creation multifold. ATMA has also revealed that almost 40% of Truck and Bus Radial (TBR) tyres and passenger car radial (PCR) tyres and 75% of tractors tyres in India are imported from China.  Read more…

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