Top 4 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Immigration Attorney

Posted by elain martell on April 21st, 2021

An immigration attorney helps to sort out all the problems you face during your stay as an immigrant. If you have to solve any issues regarding visa, green card, etc., an immigration attorney gives the instant solution to it through a legal process. 

This article will give you a hint on the questions you should ask when hiring an immigration attorney.

How Long Have You Been Practicing Immigration Law?

It’s essential to know how many years the attorney is in this profession. It makes you understand how qualified he can be for your case. In the law profession, experience and skills matter a lot. And the more years the immigration attorney has practised the law, the more he has experience in the sector.

Can You Show Your Winning Rate?

If you want to judge the immigration attorney’s reputation, you can count on the winning rate. You may find it online on his website, but asking him in person will matter more. Make sure he is friendly in behaviour when you ask for the details.

Do You Have Previous Experience with the Same Case as Mine?

It would help if you clarified that the immigration lawyer has done with the same case as you are dealing with. It will help you realize what will be the chances of winning your case. It will also expose how experienced and skilled the attorney can prove in your case processing. 

Please ask for documentation or paperwork from the attorney’s previous cases to understand his work type.

Are You Offering a Fixed Cost?

Finding an immigration attorney at a fixed cost is wise. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about additional or any hidden charges later. In most cases, clients have to pay more if they don’t look for a fixed cost. It would be best to ask the immigration attorney in Kansas City what his total pricing would be for your case.

Overall, consider asking these basic questions if you want to have the best service from the lawyer you are searching for.

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elain martell

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elain martell
Joined: October 12th, 2018
Articles Posted: 220

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