Email Marketing - Top 10 Tips

Posted by Connell McCormack on April 21st, 2021

Learn how to avoid spam filters Certain words in the topic lines of emails trigger spam filters into action. Words such as 'discount' and 'free' are known offenders but you will find more to avoid in the event that you search online. Timing of your emails Generally speaking it's been found that Tuesdays or Wednesdays will be the best days to distribute promotional emails or newsletters. If you want to test this for yourself you can run a variety of campaigns and analyse the results. It's usually easier to send emails out early in the day too as by the time 5 o'clock comes people's brains are suffering from information overload. Make your emails personal Rather than starting your emails with a boring 'hello' you need to use your e-mail marketing platform to personalise your email to the recipient. Of course you can only do this when you have the names that match the email addresses. Unsubscribe option Every email you send out should come with the choice for the recipient to unsubscribe. Many platforms automatically add this to the footer of your emails and manage the whole process on your behalf. Get your email addresses confirmed When someone signs up to receive your email newsletters it's best practice to confirm that the address exists and they are pleased to receive your updates; this process is known as double opt-in. Be consistent Every email you distribute should be based around the same design, written in the same modulation of voice and sent concurrently. Consistency is key to getting your emails recognised and read by the recipients on your own list. Keep your promises If you tell your subscribers you will not pass their details on to any third parties and that you will send one email monthly, you should stick to these promises to be able to stay on the proper side of the law and keep their trust. The power of the subject line As mentioned in tip#1, there are certain words you need to avoid in your subject line. The subject line is what stands between your email being opened or not. Make an effort to think about what your recipient would want to receive and write a subject line to appeal to them. For example if you ran a speech writing business, rather than having your subject line as 'April Newsletter' you could use something such as 'Discover how to beat your speech nerves'. Include a call to action Within the content of one's email you ought to have a call to action. This is basically asking people to take the action you want them to. This may be calling your freephone number or clicking to your website to order a product online. Track your campaign results Using a professional e-mail marketing platform will give you usage of an array of statistics to greatly help manage the success or failure of your campaign. get more info provided includes the quantity of emails delivered, the open rate, how long people spent reading your email and how many clicks through to your site were generated.

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Connell McCormack

About the Author

Connell McCormack
Joined: April 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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