Bad Cleaning Habits

Posted by Cleaners Dulwich on April 22nd, 2021

We are all in search of easy and fast solutions to our cleaning worries. Surprising or not, sometimes taking “shortcuts” makes it harder on you in the long run. You may even have developed bad habits that are standing in your way of getting the job done efficiently.

It is high time you started breaking those habits so you can have a beautiful, clean home, faster.

  1.      Using Too Much Cleaning Detergent

If a bit of a detergent does the trick, then a lot of detergent will do the trick even better and faster? Are you one of those people who believe in this? However, that is not how it all works.

Using too much laundry detergent or cleaning product can cause even more harm than good. If an excess of your detergent is not completely rinsed away, the residue turns into a magnet, attracting grime and soil. It is the reason why you need to make sure you are using the recommended amount. What is more, you are wasting money and time on the extra cleaner and the water to rinse it all away.

  1.      Leaving Shower Curtains and Wet Towels Bunched Up

Do you want to spend less time scrubbing mildew and mould? If so, you need to forget about leaving wet towels in a pile on the bathroom floor and wet shower curtains bunched up. This bad habit is one of the easiest to break. Make sure to close the shower curtain after use and it will dry a lot more quickly. Plus, by hanging wet towels to dry, you will be able to use them more than once.

  1.      Cleaning with Dirty Products

How can you even expect a satisfying outcome if you are using dirty cleaning products? For instance, if your vacuum bag or filter is filled with dust, it will not do the job when vacuuming. Also, a dirty sponge pushes around even more soil, dust and dirt.

Take your time to clean your tools after each use and make sure to replace them with new ones when necessary. 

Another good option is to leave this work to a professional cleaning company and make your life a lot easier and less stressful. 

  1.      Leaving Dirty Dishes in the Sink

Did you know that leaving the dirty dishes in the sink is a breeding ground for bacteria? Avoid doing this and make a habit of putting them in the dishwasher or even washing them immediately.

  1.      Leaving Beds Unmade

No matter how clean and tidy your bedroom is, an unmade bed can make it all look messy. Just making your bed in the morning is a habit that will make you feel more motivated to keep the rest of the room organised.

  1.      Using Harsh Cleaning Products

Just like using too much cleaning product is a bad habit, using a cleaner that is too harsh is also bad. An example of a harsh cleaner is chlorine bleach. Even though it is a good disinfectant, it is not a good grime and dirt remover. What is even more, the fumes can be toxic, making this product dangerous to use around small children and pets. Always make sure to use the gentlest cleaning products to protect your family.

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Cleaners Dulwich

About the Author

Cleaners Dulwich
Joined: April 22nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1