Encourage And Reassure Your Child, Be A Mindful Parent
Posted by Mamazen on April 22nd, 2021
Many parents congratulate themselves for multitasking in all aspects of their lives. They trudge through their office jobs and work hard to bring up their children perfectly at home. Parenting is not easy and is a challenging task in itself. Many times trying to cope up with everything parents end up losing control of their emotions.
Mothers scream, rant and rave at the child when they are unable to manage their lifestyles, hectic schedules and daily tasks. They react furiously to the errant outbursts of their little ones. Parenting becomes a stressful task and women are known to ignore their child’s misbehaviour and temper tantrums because they get hijacked by their own feelings and emotions. Often they themselves end up screaming!
But with a little insight things can be sorted. Parents need to stay calm always because they are setting an example for their child at all times. They can learn to manage everything together at the same time with mindful parenting. But what is mindful parenting ?
Mindfulness involves taking each task as it comes and dealing with each moment when it comes. It’s a mutually interactive understanding between the parent and child that will help develop strong interpersonal relationships.
We can’t hanker over the past and muse over the glitches made by the child way back then. Neither can we keep reprimanding the children for actions they did in the past. These can cloud our judgement gravely and leave an every lasting impact on the mind of our children. So tread carefully and warmly to keep your child composed and peaceful within the boundaries you set for him.
Pay more attention and listen carefully to everything your child wants to share with you. The best way is to never run him down or cut his talks midway. Have a detailed conversation and never reprimand a child unnecessarily. Positive reinforcement works a miracle and it needs to be exercised often. What is mindful parenting about?
In this type of parenting the parent has to be constantly and consciously be engaged with the child. There should be no judgement to influence parental decisions and kids have to be disciplined with an open and free mind.
Acceptability and deep understanding of the nature and character of each child is imperative. You can be aware of volumes about your child if you pay undivided attention to him or her. More the interaction, better are the results. The children turn out more peaceful, aware and kind human beings.
Deal with everything calmly before you end up yelling mercilessly at your child because you can’t manage the situation. Wait a second and give him an ear. Sit down and talk to your child patiently. Your feelings should not come in between decisions because your child has a personal viewpoint as well.
Mindfulness will guide you through parenthood and soon you will have productive, responsive and responsible children. A happy and satisfied child keeps the whole family contented and calm. Be a mindful aren’t if you want to understand the deeper needs of your child.
You need to understand his responses to fear, insecurity, anger, sleep, tiredness and all his moods. Remember your child doesn’t cry only for food. There may be much more you need to delve into!