Does Earlier Bedtime for Baby Mean They Sleep Longer

Posted by Ben Austin on April 22nd, 2021

Let’s face it: on the really tough days when my baby was taking horrible naps, I seriously questioned whether 4PM was an acceptable bedtime. I’m not ashamed to admit that sometimes I thought about it multiple times a week!

So what’s the best time for bedtime? Should you be putting your baby down later to try and encourage longer mornings? What’s the best way to get this kid to sleep??

You’ll be happy to know that babies who are put to bed earlier tend to sleep better. Quality sleep tends to happen before midnight for most babies (and adults!) so don’t be afraid of an earlier bedtime. Find your child’s “sleep sweet spot”, then stick to it – for babies younger than 12 weeks, bedtime should be around 9PM to 10PM. Babies older than 12 weeks do best with bedtime around 7PM to 8PM.

Will an Earlier Bedtime Help Baby Sleep Longer in the Morning?

If your child is waking before 6AM, you have an early riser…and I don’t have to tell you how frustrating this can be!

No one wants to be up before the sun – not even your child. So what are you supposed to do when your little one seems to have an internal clock that wakes with the sun every day?

Remember that young babies are still learning the art of sleeping, and any disruption to their natural circadian rhythm really damages their ability to sleep well. It’s very similar to when, as an adult, you stay up too late on a Friday night and struggle to function well the next day! 

Not enough sleep during those critical 7PM to 12AM hours makes it even harder for those sweet babies to fall asleep and stay asleep.

So it might seem like a good idea to put your baby down later at night to try and encourage longer sleep in the morning, but please don’t! Babies are not built to stay up late. In fact, putting your baby to bed later might be encouraging those early morning wake-ups!

Tips for Getting Your Baby to Bed on Time

  1. Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes before you want to start bedtime so you don’t get off track.
  2. Plan a simple bedtime routine that’s 20-30 minutes long, then stick to the plan every night.
  3. Use a key phrase like, “It’s time for some rest.” at every bedtime so your baby knows what to expect.

How Can I Make My Baby’s Bedtime Earlier?

Now that you know what time your baby needs to be in bed (7PM to 8PM for older babies, 9PM to 10PM for infants), how can you make your baby’s bedtime earlier?

My advice is to shift your baby’s bedtime back slowly. Try not to jump from a 9PM bedtime up to a 7PM bedtime all in one night! This may cause some strange nighttime sleep or even earlier wakeups for a time. The best way to get your child on an earlier bedtime is to step their bedtime back by 15 to 20 minutes each night.

For example, if your child is currently getting to bed around 9PM and you’d like to shift it back to 7:30PM:

Night 1 – bedtime should start at 8:15PM, baby should be in bed by 8:45PM.

Night 2 – bedtime should start at 8:00PM, baby should be in bed by 8:30PM.

Night 3 – bedtime should start at 7:45PM, baby should be in bed by 8:15PM.

Night 4 – bedtime should start at 7:30PM, baby should be in bed by 8:00PM.

Night 5 – bedtime should start at 7:15PM, baby should be in bed by 7:45PM.

Night 6 – bedtime should start at 7:00PM, baby should be in bed by 7:30PM.

Shifting bedtime back over the course of a few days will help your baby adjust to the new time slowly, and give their bodies a chance to adjust their internal clock. You should see the effects quickly if this is done right!

When should I start a bedtime routine with my newborn?

Newborns tend to have a later bedtime (somewhere between 9PM and 10PM), however, this doesn’t mean you can’t start building those good bedtime habits early! I suggest starting a bedtime routine anytime after your child is 6 weeks old.

A Quick and Easy Bedtime Routine for Infants Under 6 Weeks Old

  1. Nurse and/or bottle
  2. Bath or a warm washcloth
  3. Diaper change
  4. Pajamas on
  5. Sleep sack or swaddle on
  6. Cuddles, hugs, kisses goodnight
  7. White noise
  8. Lights off
  9. Leave room.

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Ben Austin

About the Author

Ben Austin
Joined: March 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 6

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