Hip Pain or Injury From Running?

Posted by UKHealthScans on April 25th, 2021

Are you a runner suffering from a hip injury? What could it be? Running is a popular sport, especially as the warmer weather of spring begins and people become interested in more outdoor physical activity. While it is understandable that the feet, ankles, knees, and legs may be a common focus of conversation when talking about common running injuries, it is also important to note that many runners experience hip-related injuries. If you are a runner suffering from hip pain or a hip injury, here are four possible things that it could be:

    1. Snapping Hip Syndrome - or "dancer's hip" is linked to a type of tendinitis. This condition involves a snapping feeling when a person extends their hip. Pain and even a popping noise may also be paired with the snapping. Snapping hip syndrome is something many athletes experience since they tend to engage in repetitive and intense. Certain athletes may be more prone to this condition including dancers and gymnastics, as discussed by Micheli and colleagues (1997) in the Journal of Dance, Medicine, and Science. Long-distance runners may also suffer from snapping hip syndrome.
    2. Bursitis is an uncomfortable condition that occurs when the bursa in the body become irritated, inflamed, and swollen. Bursa is sacs filled with fluid that serve as padding between joints, tendons, and muscles. Bursitis in the hip is often associated with discomfort on the thigh area of the leg. In athletes, hip bursitis is particularly common among those requiring a lot of running. 
    3. Hip Stress Fractures, often linked to overuse, happen when muscles get tired and are unable to handle additional shock, eventually leading to small bone cracks. These often exhibit as a pulled muscle with pain that gets more intense over time. Certain physical activities that involve extended pounding like basketball and running may be more likely to lead to stress fractures. Stress fractures in the hip are very painful, generally in the groin area. Oftentimes an MRI is recommended to diagnose a hip stress fracture.
    4. Piriformis Syndrome - posterior hip pain is often linked to Piriformis syndrome. Overuse from long-distance running may sometimes lead to piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle can become tight or spastic and when it compresses, it may irritate the sciatic nerve under the muscle. Treatment is typically accompanied by massage and stretching to loosen the piriformis muscle. Sometimes physical therapy is recommended.

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