Simple Ways to Avoid Gastritis.

Posted by Jason Jones on April 27th, 2021

Summary:- Gastritis can be controlled by practicing a few very simple things. This article explores some tips that will keep you clear of this pesky tummy condition.

If you are experiencing nausea, feeling full, indigestion or abdominal pain, you might be having a case of gastritis. Gastritis is a condition that results in the inflammation of the stomach lining. It can either be acute or chronic. Acute gastritis comes suddenly and is often severe. On the other hand, chronic gastritis stays with you longer.

Gastritis is not a very common problem and it easily goes away after treatment. In some cases, however, gastritis can result in ulcers or increase the risk of cancer. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to avoid this annoying condition is to eat properly.

  •         Diet

A proper diet is perhaps the easiest way to keep gastritis at bay. Your diet might not be the cause of chronic gastritis. However, it could promote the worsening of the condition. This is especially so if you are fond of diets that are largely centered on spicy, acidic or fried foods. Instead, following diets that are rich in fiber and vitamins would help reduce the risk of contracting gastritis. Thus, try out those whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat and low-fat foods.

You are strongly advised, by pretty much everyone, not just doctors, to stay away from fizzy drinks. When they are not adding unnecessary sugar to your body, they are giving you gastritis. Caffeine-free drinks have been shown to ease and even eliminate issues of gastritis. Your gastritis doctorcan give you other ideas of things that you can do to improve your diet.

  •         Stress management

In a classic case of stress causing unnecessary ulcers, stress can also trigger gastritis flare. Sometimes if you do not manage your stress well, not even the best doctor for gastroenterology can help you clear gastritis completely. It is highly recommended that you reduce or manage your stress levels to keep your condition in check.

  •         Avoid overusing painkillers and smoking

Smoking can be pretty harmful for the stomach lining and has the potential of causing stomach cancer. In addition, taking a lot of over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin can lead to a damaged stomach lining or further aggravate your gastritis. 

  •         Using essential oils

Essential oils like lemon grass and lemon verbena can help increase resistance to H.pylori. Oils with a positive effect on the digestive systems include ginger, cloves and peppermint. Essential oils should not be ingested though. Instead, they should be diluted with a carrier oil if you are applying it on your skin. If you want to start using essential oils to help you avoid or relieve gastritis, it important to consult your doctor. There are some liver-related conditions that can potentially promote gastritis. Speak to a hepatologist doctorfor advice on what you can use to treat this condition.

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Jason Jones

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Jason Jones
Joined: October 6th, 2020
Articles Posted: 51

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