Parental Strategies for Preventing Cyberbullying

Posted by John Smith on August 19th, 2015

First and foremost, it is important for parents to develop an open dialogue with their children so they feel comfortable approaching them if confronted with an unpleasant online experience. It’s often difficult to talk about these issues at first, but it is essential. Research suggests that only a minority of teens who experience cyberbullying tell their parents (or other adults) for fear of being blamed or losing their computer, cell phone, or Internet privileges. Conveying to them that you will patiently listen to their problem or situation and respond in a nonjudgmental and responsible manner is essential in cultivating and preserving an open line of communication. Before harsh to your kid – consult Bullying expert what it’s all about and how to make your child get out of it.

Secondly, appropriate rules must be set.  Essentially, there must exist a crystal-clear understanding about what is appropriate and what is not with respect to online activities.  Use an “Internet Use Contract” and a "Cell Phone Use Contract” to promote a trusting relationship between parents and children when it comes to the latter’s use of these technologies.  Both parties agree to abide by certain mutually acceptable rules of engagement and indicate their acceptance and understanding of those rules with their signatures at the bottom of the form. To remind the child of this pledged commitment, we recommend that this contract be posted in a highly visible place (e.g., next to the computer). Take proper guideline from Cyberbullying experts and make your child understand how important it is to be safe and secure while you are using internet.

It is imperative that parents go online with their children. Many adults are intimidated by electronic devices and/or the Internet, which is completely understandable given that we have not grown up with computers like adolescents today have. Nonetheless, this should not prevent parents from exploring the mediums and venues through which youth communicate and interact in cyberspace. Parents should ask their children to show them where they go online and why they like certain Web environments. Some youth will be immediately open to this, while others may resist. Parents should be patient and slowly work their way into the online lives of their children.

Once online with their kids, parents can casually inquire further about the technologies and Web sites: Why is [web site] so popular? What do you and your friends do on this site or with this software? Can everyone see the messages you send or post? Do you really “know” everyone with whom you are communicating? Who are “BBallDude19” and “foxyFLgal”? What sort of pictures or video have you posted online?  Has anyone ever sent you or posted anything that made you uncomfortable or upset? Parents must remember to keep an open mind and resist knee-jerk reactions of a condemning or criticizing nature. Once parents have a trusting relationship with their children, they will be able to influence their Internet behaviors accordingly.

Finally, use informal and formal monitoring.  Place the computer in an open family area to provide some deterrent effect.  If parents choose to use filters and tracking software, we encourage them to tell their children about it. Not only will this act as a deterrent, but parents can then explain why they have chosen to incorporate such controls on the computer. It is important for parents to communicate to their children that there are people in cyberspace intent on causing harm and that the software will help to keep them protected. Also make your child meet met or attend seminar of bullying speaker to understand why parents are protecting. For more information contact Dr. Sameer Hinduja or check website -

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John Smith

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John Smith
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