How Does an Orthodontist help with Malocclusions?

Posted by Jack Wesley on April 28th, 2021

A malocclusion is a misalignment of the teeth or the incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches. The relationship is measured when these two dental arches come close while approaching each other. A malocclusion is never appreciated and when this is present in your mouth, it will directly impact your smile, your confidence and your overall dental health. Malocclusion of the teeth is a misalignment problem leading to serious oral health complications such as cross bite, overbite, under bite, crowded teeth and open bite.

When a person has developed bite problems, the teeth will not be able to perform its functions because they are misaligned. You can visit a competent orthodontist in Grosse Pointe and seek advice to correct your bite and protect your overall dental hygiene and health. Let us see some more information about a dental occlusion.

Occlusion is a term referring to the alignment of the teeth. In an ideal world, your teeth should fit easily in your mouth without any scene of crowding or spacing issues. Also, none of your teeth should be twisted or rotated. The teeth of your upper jaw should slightly overlap the teeth of the lower jaw so that the pointed ridges of the molars fit into the grooves of the opposite molars.

Deviation from the ideal occlusion is called a malocclusion. The types of deviation will vary, but any types of deviation will be considered a misalignment and this needs to be kept under check. If you feel that there is something wrong with your bite or teeth alignment, you should seek help from the orthodontics in Detroit. Come to us and we will book your appointment at the earliest.

The following are the symptoms of a malocclusion:

1.Tooth decay. The misaligned teeth will make it difficult for the individual to maintain oral hygiene. This is common in children with poor diet and poor oral hygiene.

2.Periodontal disease. When teeth are irregular, the brush cannot reach the corners of the teeth. Gradually the plaque build-up will increase making the condition worse in the mouth. Also, when teeth are crowded, there will be reduced bone and periodontal support.

3.When the teeth are misaligned, the people’s ability to chew will be hindered. This mainly happens with people having anterior open bites, reverse over jet and hypodontia.

4.Speech impairment. This is the most common in people with misaligned teeth. People with bad bites finding it difficult to pronounce certain words. If you feel that you are struggling with the same problem, orthodontics in Detroit can extend a hand of help.

Come to us and book your appointment with our top orthodontist in Grosse Point. Let us examine your teeth and we will take it forward from there.

Jack Wesley is the author of this article. For further details about orthodontics in Detroit Please visit to website.

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Jack Wesley

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Jack Wesley
Joined: December 24th, 2019
Articles Posted: 7

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