Commonly Made SEO Mistakes That Can Degrade Your WordPress Site’s Performance

Posted by Auxesis Infotech on April 28th, 2021

According to a report, any average individual searches the web for something or the other about 3 to 4 times a day. And as for websites, about 14.6% of the traffic generated through search engine optimization is converted into buyers. Evidently, your website has to be SEO compliant for it to survive in the competitive market and do good business. 

WordPress, along with its plugins and custom WordPress development services, makes sure your website is search engine friendly. Nevertheless, you can not make a mistake and not optimize your WordPress site well for search engines. If that happens, your website may not be able to perform the best as it should in the digital arena. 

Avoid These Common WordPress SEO Mistakes 

  1. Fix broken links 

In your website, pages are interlinked and those are usually called internal links. In case you have put any incorrect links or one of your page URLs has changed, you need to correct the links so that there are no broken links. If broken links are available on your site, it can result in a poor user experience. The WordPress developer can use any broken link checker plugin and find out if your website has any broken links. If it does, you can either change or remove them. 

  1. Choose one web domain configuration 

Add ‘WWW’ to your website’s URL and check if your site can be accessed. Next, repeat the same process by simply inserting the URL. In case you can access your WordPress website in both cases, it can lead to duplicacy and your site can be penalized. It’s a common mistake one makes during WordPress development. You can change it to your preferred option from the general settings and easily fix it. 

  1. No XML Sitemap 

Every WordPress CMS development company is well aware of the significance of dynamic XML sitemaps. While WordPress allows you to add a sitemap to your website easily with plugins like Yoast, missing to add it can be a terrible mistake on your part. A dynamic sitemap not only contains all your web page links but also adds the newly created pages to the list. Search engines like Google can crawl all your site pages better with a sitemap in place and hence it is an unavoidable mistake. 

  1. Duplicate website content or no metadata 

Businesses often underestimate the power of quality content present on site. If you are amongst them and using plagiarized content or spun content, your site’s ranking is sure to drop. Search engines like Google may even penalize your site. Similarly, the meta title and description help search engines to understand what your site is all about. Therefore, not paying attention to these can be a huge mistake. WordPress editor allows you to easily add metadata at the time of publishing content. 

Even though WordPress provides you with plenty of tools and functionalities to improve your SEO strategy, mistakes are inevitable. But, keeping a list like this will remind you not to repeat the same mistakes that people usually make. 

Furthermore, availing of WordPress web development services from a reputed company can help you evade this situation. They are well aware of the WordPress CMS and SEO practices and can help you create SEO-friendly websites. Auxesis Infotech might be that web agency for you with the years of experience they have in their bag.

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Auxesis Infotech

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Auxesis Infotech
Joined: April 28th, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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