Rules for GPS Employee Tracking
Posted by dunitzsantrino on August 26th, 2015
Companies are increasingly using GPS employee tracking to keep a track of their field worker’s productivity and performance. Field agents are not as punctual or as reliable as those who work in the office premises. Moreover, there was no way using which employers could check whether those on site were working the full allocated hours. It was very difficult to check their location or their work progress. Field service tracking solution came as an answer to all these challenges faced by the employers.
In many ways, the field service trackingsoftwarehelped companies improve their profits. The downside, however is that it has become an intrusion in the employee’s privacy. If uncontrolled, a technology that is supposed to help in the development of the company can itself hinder the growth. Employees, especially good ones, who are not happy with the privacy intrusion may quit the job and find greener pastures. So, the management has to lay certain guidelines in order to ensure proper use of the tracking software.
First, the company should check the legality of using the tracking software. To be on the safe side, the management has to consult a corporate lawyer and ensure that there will be no problems on the legal side by using the tracking software program. In order to ensure there are no legal issues, the management has to get employee consent for using the GPS tracking software application.
The company should also give clear guidelines about when the tracking program should be used. The employee can be monitored during the work hours, whether working inside or outside the office premises. But, the monitoring should not continue beyond the work hours. The manager or administrator who is monitoring the dashboard should be given strict instructions about the hours that the employee can be monitored. If the monitoring goes beyond the set hours, then it can also be constructed as stalking. Such a condition is not good for the company reputation or the employee’s well-being. So, the company should have strict rules and policies that govern the use of GPS employee tracking software application.
At the end of the day, the company wants the best performance from the employees and the workers want to earn their keep. Both the sides want to do their best for mutual growth. This advanced field service tracking software if used judicially can be very good, or can result in too many problems. So, the management has to set clear rules for the use of GPS employee tracking software