Posted by mehetavikas on May 1st, 2021

Breast augmentation surgery at Dr. Rahul Dalal's clinic is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to fulfill your needs if you want to reform, raise, or enhance the size of your breasts while still restoring a perfectly balanced figure. This surgery is performed through the use of implants or the transfer of fat from the patient's own body to the treated area. The treatment in the first instance entails implanting breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles.

The majority of women choose this treatment to boost their self-esteem and achieve a more proportionate body figure. 

The Procedure 

Expert surgeons perform breast implant surgery at our clinic in Pune, and they adopt this basic procedure:

  • To make space for the implant, the surgeon will make an incision and create a pocket under the breast tissue.
  • The implants are mounted, and the wound is closed with absorbable sutures (in most cases).

To successfully insert the implants, various forms of incisions are used, including:

  1. Inframammary: An incision made under the breast in the crease.
  2. A trans axillary incision is made near the armpit.
  3. Incision made around the black region covering the nipple (periareolar).
  4. The belly button/navel is incised by a transumbilical incision (only for Saline implants)

Types of Breast Implants

You can select from the following types of implants based on your medical background, body type, and expectations from breast implant surgery:

  1. Silicone Breast Implants – Silicone breast implants are the most widely used breast implants in the world since they are pre-filled with soft silicone gel.
  2. “Gummy Bear” is a gummy bear. Silicone Implants – These implants are more durable and firmer than soft silicone implants since they are pre-filled with cohesive gel. In comparison to saline implants, they can necessitate a longer incision. Because of their form, these are also known as "teardrop implants."
  3. Breast implants that are filled with sterile saltwater are known as saline implants. After the implant has been mounted, it can be inflated. As a result, when compared to other implants, the incision made is smaller.

The USFDA, on the other hand, has approved the use of silicone implants in breast augmentation surgeries. However, women need to understand that, while these implants are long-lasting, they must be replaced after a certain amount of time.

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer: 

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a nearly scar-free procedure that involves harvesting fat from the hip, belly, or buttock. Using liposuction, fat is extracted and inserted into various areas of the breast. However, it is a relatively new approach that is still in its early stages of growth. In cases of droopy, volume-less breasts, a breast lift may be paired with either of these procedures.

Post Treatment Care:

  • It is recommended that you wear a support bra for at least 4-6 weeks after the operation.
  • Since the breast tissue stretches during implant placement, you can feel discomfort and stretch at first.
  • Touch sensitivity, as well as redness and swelling, are possible side effects. In a few days, though, everything returns to normal.
  • For a few weeks, you are not expected to exert yourself. As a result, it's important to keep track of your physical activities.
  • Your healing will drive your intimacy with your partner.
  • Periodic checkups and consultations with your surgeon every few years are needed in the long run.

Breast augmentation will help you not only improve your cup size but also recover the trust and self-esteem that comes with having a disproportionate body shape. At the same time, you should be aware that your surgical standards should be realistic rather than speculative. Breasts still age, and implants must be checked with mammograms regularly, even after a year.

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