Purpose of a Syringe Tip Cap

Posted by neomedinc on May 10th, 2021

Feeding a newborn child is exceptionally challenging, especially when the infant is born well before the designated time. Most neonates do not have perfectly formed lips and digestive systems and find it difficult to suckle at the mother’s breast. The professionals at the NICU are anxious to supply adequate nutrition to the child to ensure proper growth and development. While different breast tubes and containers can be used to administer expressed breast milk or formula, most specialized tend to rely on nutrisafe2 that happens to be an exceedingly safe enteral feeding system.

The medical facilities that cater to gynecological patients and treat neonatal babies in the NICU make sure to source quality equipment that helps the caregivers in the unit to provide the correct type of nutrition to frail and low-weight patients. The FDA has several regulatory measures in place that the users have to comply with. An enteral system cannot allow any misconnection with the IV line and feeding tubes being easily recognizable and distinct from one another.

All safe feeding tubes are manufactured following the necessity and comply with the International standards advised by the FDA. Nutrisafe2 meets all the requirements and is regarded to be foolproof. The system makes use of a unique locking connection that does not warrant any slippage and is unable to sport leaks. Moreover, it cannot be forced into a Luer fitting, thereby avoiding the fatality of misconnections that have jeopardized lives in the past.

Three of the vital advantages of Nutrisafe2 that all users have hugely appreciated include:-

· Total safety- The risks of misconnection of different tubes have been reduced significantly, thus ensuring safety for all patients, especially neonates.

· 100% Secure- The patient receives the required nutrition via enteral feeding, ensuring proper growth and nourishment.

· Simple to Operate- The caregivers in the NICU find no difficulty in handling this system. The technique is simple, with no specialized training required to master it.

It is customary for the users to read the instructions carefully before using the system for the first time. It certainly helps to remain aware of the following when providing the right amount of nutrition to a newborn baby admitted to the NICU.

A polyurethane/silicone feeding tube can remain within the neonate’s body for up to a month, while a PVC tube needs to be changed every three days. However, the exact time of rotation depends on the condition of the baby and the internal protocols followed by the concerned facility.

Apart from using the right feeding system, the authorities and the clinicians must ensure the use of a proper syringe tip cap to keep the feeding system fully secure. Specialized syringes along with matching tips are color-coded for easy recognition. They must b utilized along with Nutrisafe2 feeding devices and any other device featuring a compatible male connection.

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