7 Things Every CEO Must Know Before Choosing AWS Cloud Services

Posted by derowir418@wonrg.com on May 11th, 2021

Moving to the cloud isn’t only a technological decision for businesses; it’s also a business decision. While IT will be in charge of service selection, configuration, recovery, and a slew of other technicalities, the CEO will be responsible for considering the cloud’s overall impact. As a result, they must consider the cloud’s strategy, benefits, cost, and influence on productivity and security. 

Amazon Web Services is the cloud supplier of choice for many companies, SMBs, and government entities undertaking this transition. According to Synergy Research Group, AWS presently owns the overwhelming share of the public cloud market as one of the most mature platforms in this field. Today, we’ll look at some of the most crucial considerations for CEOs considering a shift to AWS cloud services. 

What’s the deal with AWS?

There are several reasons to use AWS, with over 70 services and a wide variety of coverage. Companies who migrate to the AWS cloud services ensure that their server infrastructure is optimized, secure, and upgraded regularly. They are also ensuring that they have enough capacity to scale their business and these key technological details.

One of the primary qualities that distinguish AWS from other services is its high scalability. This means that a corporation can use additional resources when needed and only pay for what they’re utilizing right now.

While there are many benefits to moving to the cloud, as the CEO, you’ll also want to be aware of all the ways it could affect your company. Before deciding to go to the AWS Cloud, every CEO should know the seven most crucial facts.

The cloud may be a good fit for your company’s goals.

If you want to grow your firm into the global market and provide services available 24 hours a day, it’s evident that a cloud system would be beneficial. A solid and reliable infrastructure is required to support traffic on a worldwide scale for a vast and expanding audience. In the short and long term, building and maintaining this in-house could be costly. The cloud provides a dependable system with global services and a team of expert readies to help if something goes wrong. 

Companies can design and test systems on a small scale before scaling up to more extensive resources once their product or service is launched or prepare for seasonal peaks by using AWS cloud services as their cloud provider. You’ll only pay for the resources you utilize rather than incurring upfront expenditures for resources or capacity you don’t need.

Both capital and operational costs will be reduced by using the cloud.

That is correct. Your costs will be reduced by using the cloud. Here’s how to do it:

It’s less expensive than setting up your own network.

Consider how many servers you’d need (I’m referring to the physical machines) and how many hours it would take to set them up, as well as how much time and money would be spent on the various security protocols and certificates! You pay for the resources you use in the cloud, which will be significantly fewer during the testing phase. You can use more assets and pay correspondingly after the party begins.

Cloud services are becoming more affordable.

This is especially true when it comes to Amazon Web Services (AWS). As cloud computing becomes more popular, pricing is dropped to keep up with the vast supply and demand. Given the current trajectory, you could pay less in a year or two than you are today.

Only the resources that you utilize will be charged.

I know I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: you won’t be charged for anything you’re not using right now. Reserved assets, which you would pay for but may never utilize, are likewise unnecessary. You are free to use it whenever you require additional space.

The cloud offers a safe and secure environment.

Security is a major worry for businesses considering a cloud migration. People are often concerned that their information will never be as secure as it would be on a machine that they can see.

I must state unequivocally that this is a major misunderstanding. Do you truly believe your office and security setup on a local server is more trustworthy than one where hundreds of engineers work every day to ensure everything is safe and secure?

One of the major pillars of the AWS cloud services business model is data protection. AWS guarantees the security of any data stored on its servers. AWS’s entire company and the huge faith placed in their service by millions of clients worldwide are at stake if they break this promise.

AWS, as well as all the major cloud providers, take data security extremely seriously. As a result, you can rest confident that you will be using a secure and safe system.

Your information will always be yours.

One of the most popular misconceptions regarding cloud computing is losing control and ownership of your data. It’s simply not true. Even after the physical location of the data has changed, the ownership of your information stays the same. In other words, even after your company has physically left the building, you will still control the database. 

AWS cloud services ensures data security and provides customers with sophisticated tools to choose from much storage, access, and security options. AWS is entrusted with a lot of sensitive information because it has millions of active clients in commercial, educational, and governmental institutions (including financial services and healthcare providers) on its customer list. You can place your firm on AWS if they can.


 The AWS cloud services team will perform all necessary maintenance, upgrades, and enhancements to the app’s regular updates that will improve its quality. They won’t have to worry about the day-to-day operations that an internal infrastructure would necessitate, such as servicing the system. The team that is freed from these mundane everyday activities can focus more on innovation and consumer demands and be more committed to the product and hence more productive, particularly when it comes to resolving serious challenges.

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