10 Meetups About naturmedicin mod søvnløshed matas You Should Attend

Posted by Keva on May 11th, 2021

"Is acupuncture safe?" This is a question many ask, especially in light of the fact that there are increasing voices of doubts surrounding the traditional methods of Chinese medicine. Some are even wondering if it is akin to quackery and has been used for nothing more than money-spinning practices.

To understand the answer to this question, it is first necessary to examine how acupuncture really functions. Like many related therapies, acupuncture involves the use of needles to stimulate points associated with health issues such as pain, stress or other disorders. In theory, these factors can be stimulated by the use of pressure or a small quantity of heat, thereby inducing the natural energy flow inside to be restored. While this may sound rather simplistic, recent research has shown that acupuncture does work, with some types of pain reducing to almost complete recovery from medical problems related to those aches.

While acupuncture has been regarded as a viable alternative for centuries, little is known about precisely how it works. It's widely believed that it contains elements that have healing properties, but precisely which components make up the substance haven't been revealed either. While it is apparent that acupuncture has proven to be effective for certain ailments, the exact nature of its effectiveness isn't clear. Many reviews have reported amongst the patients that have undergone treatment, a reduction in pain, although others have promised increased healing or relief from symptoms such as headaches. Whether this is simply due to individual variation or a true benefit of the treatment, is unclear.

Scientific studies have sought to find out whether acupuncture causes any harm. While the results of these studies have been inconclusive, much of the controversy surrounds the use of acupuncture naturmedicin mod gigt needles. It's widely held by practitioners of Eastern medicine that the needles used are less harmful than the needles used by western doctors, as the former contains no venom and the latter only contain mild chemicals that cause a burning sensation on contact with the skin.

In regard to the question of is acupuncture safe, one set of trials completed in the US has suggested that it could help to decrease the risk of stroke by nearly half. The trial included a total of thirteen cases treated with acupuncture, compared to nine cases treated with a placebo. All the patients involved had to have suffered from a previously diagnosed chronic lower back pain, which could consist of sciatica or lumbar pain. The needles were inserted into the area in question, which included both the spine and the neck. A random number was then drawn and it was found that in eleven of the thirteen cases, those who had received acupuncture had fewer strokes than those who received the placebo.

Another set of experiments completed in the United States, this time in Denver, Colorado, reported significant results. This time, seventeen children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD were treated with acupuncture techniques and a placebo. Again, all the patients involved had to have suffered from a previously diagnosed condition, which might include hyperactivity, impulsivity, attention deficit disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder. The results were impressive, with eight of the ADHD patients getting better and five of these totally recovering.

Among the reasons for the good results came from the manner in which all of the patients were initially evaluated. All the patients were assessed for any abnormalities, in addition to medical conditions like hypertension, hyperactivity, diabetes and other issues. No serious adverse events appeared in the patient groups, and only two patients had to be removed from the treatment early due to concern over adverse events. The first author was amazed by how all the patients responded to acupuncture, with many reporting complete relief from symptoms. He thinks that the fact that there were no adverse events reported was an actual consequence of good treatment rather than a result of acupuncture being moot. He believes that systematic reviews could be conducted on the many ways in which acupuncture is used in the United States.

In addition to the aforementioned case reports, there are numerous different studies that appear to indicate that acupuncture is safe and effective. Two double blind studies that have been published in the Journal of American Medical Association show that needle acupuncture reduces nausea and enhances quality of life in patients with cancer. The results of a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology showed that chemotherapy patients were also helped by acupuncture, reducing the side effects of the drug. A Swedish hospital has also recently launched a registry to investigate the safety of needle acupuncture in children. A total of 7 infants were given acupuncture in a period of twenty five weeks, and no adverse events were reported. This case study provides strong evidence that this kind of complementary therapy is safe and can work for chronic diseases.

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Joined: May 10th, 2021
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