Save Lives with Automated External Defibrillator
Posted by ricky26 on September 8th, 2015
With our present lifestyle, where we are most of the time engaged in one or other activity, we hardly get time to follow a healthy activity routine that involves meditation, exercising and brisk walk. These activities are magically beneficial to maintain a good health and help to stay hale and hearty. With our fast paced life, our rush to achieve everything good keeps us busy, and many a time, stressed and depressed. This gradually lead us to numerous health risks, the major one we are going to discuss here is cardiac arrest.
Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of cardiac function, which if not provided with immediate medication, may lead to death within few minutes. This is basically caused due to the ventricular fibrillation; a state of irregular and rapid heart rhythm in heart’s lower pumping chambers. In such cases, timely heartbeat restoration can be achieved by using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) that can save the life of the concerned.
AEDs are small and portable electronic devices that can diagnose the cardiac arrhythmia in a patient and treat the same through defibrillation, in which electrical therapy is applied to stop the arrhythmia and restore the normal heart rhythm. These lightweight and portable devices deliver the electric shock through the chest to re-establish the unsynchronized rhythm back to normal. The use of Perth AED makes it possible even for non-medical personnel to respond effectively to the health emergency of cardiac arrest. These portable machines are placed in home and workplace, and can also be placed in shopping malls, sport arenas, community places like gardens, clubhouses and offices to provide quick rescue from the cardiac arrest. Several training centres these days are providing specialized training to the people for operating these AEDs. The trained individuals can provide the timely assistance to the victim of cardiac arrest in the time of emergency and save a precious life.
Moreover, you should choose the right defibrillator having the advanced CPR feedback technology that empowers you to see what you are doing and can also provide you with the feedback about the same. Zoll AED is one such advanced defibrillator which with its audio visual prompts makes it possible to deliver effective rescue with confidence and certainty. To get the best of the Automated External Defibrillators, you can contact 2nd Heart, the reliable providers of right AEDs in Western Australia. To know more, visit