How a Home Gym is Like Scanning Your Documents with OCR

Posted by Stephen Schultz on May 11th, 2021

We’ve all been there before. When you first buy a home gym, you think: “I just swiped my credit card on an entire home gym, and they are installing next week. I’ll be fit, cut, and look like a super model!

“There’s a lot to do before we are ready for delivery, specifically I need to remove this clutter and organize the spare bedroom, so the delivery guys can set it up.”

Then you begin to realize that there’s more to it than simply purchase and begin using right away. “If I am going to make this investment, I need to do it right and outfit my “workout” room appropriately. I will need to purchase and install:

  • Flat screen TV
  • Stereo and Speakers
  • Standalone air conditioner
  • High-powered ceiling fan
  • Wall Mirrors

“While it was a lot more work than I realized initially to get here, I was ready for the install. Now let’s get pumped!”

Still a Great Purchase?

Fast forward a few months, or years, and let’s just say that you learned your lesson “We used the home gym a few times, but the treadmill became a perfect place to hang my clothes that needed to air dry and except for that, this has been a total waste of effort and a ton of money.

“I learned that I am no fitness expert, and after I pulled a muscle in my back that took months to recover from. I was done. A couple years after the install of the gym, I had some friends come over and during their tour of our house, they were so envious of our home gym. I told them make me an offer and come pick it up. I sold it to them for pennies on the dollar!

“One of these days I will realize that there really is no magic diet pill and just because I have (had) a gym in my home isn’t going to make me use it or magically get me fit. I’m not up for the hard work, I wish I could just pay someone else to do the hard work for me!”

How This Compares to DIY Document Scanning / Capture

Companies looking to convert their records, capturing valuable data from them have one of two choices: Create an internal scanning department or press the easy button and use Grooper as a Service.

Building out a scanning department is no different than the home gym. It sounds like a great idea to do it yourself instead of paying someone else to come in and just knock it out.

Creating your own scanning department is a huge up-front investment that you only realize once you are in too deep. Investing in software, hardware, infrastructure, dedicating IT support resources, hiring and training are just some of the responsibilities.

Your staff that is trying to fit in some scanning with their daily duties and capturing the minimum amount of data. They could keep up with a go-forward model, but it’s demoralizing to look at the huge mountains of documents that grow faster than they shrink. The backlog of documents only grows, and new data is created quicker.

After a couple years, the CEO is concerned that you haven’t made a significant dent in what he expected to be done long ago. The process is costly, frustrating and proves very little value.

Data Migration Center

Instead, accelerate toward easy success. Leave the conversion and data mining to the experts, allowing your staff focus on the core of your business.

By leveraging the countries only data mining, analytics, and business outsourcing center, you have instant access to:

  • Over 30 years’ experience
  • Award-winning OCR software technology
  • Modern production level hardware
  • Expert data scientists
  • IT support from basic to developers
  • Infrastructure
  • World-class facility
  • Project management
  • Business analysis
  • Document and data security

All with zero cost of ownership, pay only for the services you use.

Unlock unlimited amounts of dark data that is currently trapped on your documents, throughout your file shares, document repositories and email. Reduce your risk and increase your time to value by enabling your data to work for you.

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Stephen Schultz

About the Author

Stephen Schultz
Joined: May 11th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1