The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Choosing an Epoxy Floor Coating

Posted by James on May 11th, 2021

Epoxy Floors

Epoxy floor coatings are the hottest new trend in home improvement, but the market is flooded with products and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In this blog post we'll walk you through some of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing an epoxy coating for their floors so that you can avoid them!

1. Poor Due Diligence

This one is a no brainer, but we're shocked at how many times homeowners do not do proper due diligence when planning for a new floor. Yes, we understand that you're eager to get rid of your old, cracked and damaged concrete floors. But it's important that you explore your options for concrete coatings. There are so many options on the market, and it's difficult for your contractor to tell you which one is the best fit for your home without you at least coming prepared to the call with some answers to questions ticked off. 

For example, here is a list of questions you should already have pre-screened answers for before you get on the phone with a few propsective epoxy contractors. This is especially the case if you are working with a set deadline. 

  • What is your budget in total? 
  • Which rooms do you want to epoxy and how large is each room in square footage? 
  • Do you want a solid colored floor, a flake speckled floor or a one of a kind metallic designer floor? 
  • Are you open to more premium options if that means better durability and quality? (not all epoxy resins are made the same. Some are watered down, and thus will not be as sturdy as 100% solid coatings)
  • Do you want to work with a local contractor in your state or are you more flexible if it means different rates and higher quality work? 

2. Focusing On Cost Cutting And Not Quality

This is another big mistake that homeowners shortsightedly fall victim to. Yes, we understand that you don't want to get ripped off by being over-quoted by a local contractor. But there is a reason why some contractors charge per square foot of epoxy vs other ones that charge -6 per square foot for the same type of epoxy finish. 

The differences lie in the resin mix. When your contractor is giving you bottom of the run pricing, it's because he's not using 100% solid 2 part epoxy, and is probably mixing in water and other paints. This type of coating will not last you several decades, and you may start to see some wear and tear after a year or two. 

I can't tell you how many times we've had to come and patch up a shoddy job that was done by an underqualified contractor, just so that the homeowner can save a few bucks up front. It always always always ends up coming to bite them in the rear after the fact, and cost more ultimately in the long run. 

3. Not Asking About Product Warranties

Reliable contractors will always have some type of warranty guarantee on their flooring installations. This means that they back up their work with a promise, and are more likely to do a better job in the up front installation. Be wary of contractors that do not have warranties because this leaves a lot of the risk down the line on you 100% entirely. 

This is not a good position to be in, especially when you yourself are not a concrete coating expert. What may look like a fine job after the first day will quickly start to reveal itself after a few months of foot and vehicle traffic. Real epoxy coatings done right will not show signs of wear and tear for many years after the initial installation. 

4. Not Ensuring Contractor is Properly Surface Prepping

For epoxy and other concrete coatings, it's all about the initial surface preparation. How else do you think the resin bonds with the concrete surface and gives it that nice seamless non porous texture at the end? It's because we ensure to grind down the initial concrete surface with diamond grinders to give it that nice smooth surface. Only then will the epoxy settle in nicely and bond, thereby creating that strong surface that is shock resistant, water and heat resistant and also tough against moisture. 

5. No Follow Up Maintenance

To ensure that your floors stay nice and shiny for decades to come, it's best to schedule a follow up polishing & top coat application once every few years. This is more so preventative maintenance measures to ensure that you're not damaging the underlying epoxy coating after years of the top coat being worn down from all the foot and vehicle traffic. 

We hope that the information in this blog post has helped you to avoid some of the pitfalls that come with choosing an epoxy floor coating. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Our team at Chief Epoxy Flooring Solutions is always happy to help educate people on how they can get their floors looking as stunning and durable as possible for years to come!

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Joined: May 11th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1