Vaginal Yeast Infection: 4 Common Causes to Take Note Of

Posted by Carollyne Dewi on May 12th, 2021

Vaginal yeast infections are common in women, with an estimate that 75% of all women have it at least once throughout her lifetime. Hence, it is crucial to learn about what causes yeast infection and what you can do to avoid it.

This fungal infection can be frustrating to deal with – the symptoms usually include a burning sensation, itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva, vaginal rash, soreness, and changes in vaginal discharge. Your vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of bacteria and yeast, and when this is disrupted, it can cause an overgrowth of yeast, leading to an infection.

There are several risk factors that can increase your risk of developing a yeast infection, we explore some of the common causes below that you may not be aware of.

1. Sitting around in wet or sweaty clothing

Yeast infection typically occurs in an environment that is warm and wet. When you sit around without changing out of your wet or sweaty clothing, this creates warm and moist conditions for the overgrowth to thrive. Get out of wet clothes as soon as you can, like your swim or workout attire, and use moisture-wicking material which helps moisture evaporate more quickly. Showering thoroughly and changing your underwear afterwards can also help deter fungal growth.

2. Douching repeatedly

The term douching is known as putting a mixture of fluids into your vagina, such as using a squirt bottle, to wash or clean out the inside of the vagina. Doing so can disrupt the normal pH of the vagina and its natural acidic environment, which can lead to harmful bacteria or an overgrowth of yeast. It is also not recommended to clean the inside of the vagina with soap.

Instead of douching, you should rinse the area that is around the vulva by only using warm water in the shower. This ensures that the balance between bacteria and yeast is not changed or disrupted. It will also help to maintain a healthy vagina, which needs a balance of vaginal flora and natural acidity to protect against infections or irritation.

3. Using irritable laundry detergent or bath products

Body washes and laundry detergents contain additives and sulfates which can irritate the sensitive lining in the vulva area and cause inflammation. This discomfort will lead to itching and scratching, causing abrasions and allow for bacteria to spread. You could also experience a skin condition called dermatitis, which leads to itchiness and redness.

Symptoms of dermatitis can often be misdiagnosed for an infection, but it can be alleviated with an antibiotic. However, if there are no more “bad” bacteria to kill, the antibiotic can instead kill off the good ones. When this happens, it can lead to a yeast infection.

4. High estrogen levels

Estrogen is known as the hormone in female bodies that helps to maintain and develop both the reproductive system as well as female sexual characteristics. High levels of estrogen cause the Candida fungi to overgrow, which leads to a yeast infection. Hormonal imbalances usually occur when people use hormonal contraception, are pregnant or going through their menstrual cycle.


If you suspect that you might have a yeast infection, visit a doctor to have the severity of your infection and symptoms examined. Your doctor may perform a pelvic exam to check your external genitals for signs of infection and conduct vaginal fluid testing to identify the fungus for a more effective treatment.

We provide a wide range of women’s health services including screening services, pregnancy and family planning, and general women’s health like vaginal discharge, itching and odor. If you have similar symptoms of yeast infection or certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs), don’t hesitate to get them checked out at our STD clinic.

We also provide other essential health services like wart treatment, HPV scanning, and HIV testing to help you stay updated on your health. Book an appointment with us at 6802 7208.

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Carollyne Dewi

About the Author

Carollyne Dewi
Joined: May 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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