13 Things About 토토 You May Not Have Known

Posted by Mariko on May 13th, 2021

The peppers that can be harmful are the red ones, red chilli peppers and cayenne in particular which contain capsaicin. This substance is sometimes found in ointments which are used to relieve skin irritations and pain from joints and muscles affected by arthritis and rheumatism. Capsaicin is a hot substance which gives chillies their bite and it is used in medicine as it blocks pain signals to the brain. However, if you get this substance on your skin, it will probably cause a burning sensation and it can damage the cornea in the eye as it is an irritant. It may have anti-microbial and antioxidant effects but research is still on-going.

Capsaicin can cause an increase in stomach acids, so people with too much of them should avoid eating red peppers or their derivatives. Capsaicin should not be taken with aspirin as it increases the risk of bleeding associated with it. If you are using theophylline for asthma then capsaicin should be avoided as it can increase the theophylline in the body to toxic levels. Also if you are taking medication to thin the blood or ACE inhibitors then avoid capsaicin.

However if you are a healthy individual a few chilli peppers here and there in moderation will do you no harm. If you eat too many or indulge in chilli-eating competitions however you will probably irritate your stomach and could get peptic ulcers. Research is underway to discover if capsaicin can help combat obesity, as eating chillies appears to increase the body's production of heat for a short time. This may help to regulate blood sugar levels by helping to break down carbohydrates ingested in a meal.

People who are allergic to kiwis, bananas, chestnuts and avocados may also be allergic to cayenne pepper and chillies.

In some people spicy food which contains chillies, cayenne pepper and black pepper along with other spices, can suffer from acid reflux, which is not fatal or dangerous, just troublesome and results in burping; this is the body's way of telling you 안전놀이터 that it can't handle spicy food well. Chronic acid reflux disease can in rare cases result in esophageal cancer. If you suffer in this way after eating spicy food, cut down on the spices especially at night as acid reflux can also erode the teeth.

Eating spicy food including chilli peppers can lead to insomnia, as well as impairing the ability of the taste buds to distinguish between different flavours. There is also an ailment known as geographic tongue which is the rapid irritation of the tongue after eating very spicy, peppery food and this causes strange patterns to form on the tongue, and can weaken the sense of taste for up to a month. Clearly this is not life-threatening, but it can be annoying.

Peppers are good for us if we are healthy individuals, but if you take any supplements containing cayenne or chilli pepper derivatives you should consult your health care provider before taking them. In fact this advice goes for all supplements that can be bought over the counter. Commonsense is necessary so that you don't over-indulge in pepper, but in moderation, it is unlikely to harm you.

Not just any food combining. But proper food combining works for acid reflux.

Here's why.

Acid reflux or GERD, is simply a message that tells your body that something is wrong inside. As such, it cannot be treated successfully by taking prescriptive medication all the time. Yes they help you out in the short run. Drugs and antacids might help you in an emergency, but for treatment and preventive maintenance? That's another story. One that your doctor has most likely failed to tell you about.

Truth is, conventional medicine is more focused on relieving the symptoms of a condition, and not taking into full consideration the root cause of the problem. Alright, if they want to "uproot the root" cause, they go into their "bread-and-butter" solution known as surgery. Not a pretty picture, but what can you do when they tell you that it is your "best and only" option?

Where conventional medicine comes up short, natural methods of treatment such as proper food combining has worked wonders for countless individuals who were once acid reflux sufferers. It has been touted by nutritionists and health specialists not just as a solution for GERD, but for almost any digestive disorder that you can think of. Crohn's? IBS? Gastritis? Ulcers? These are just some of the conditions that proper food combining has been able to address, in a simple manner.

And it's not something new either.

This manner of eating was first discovered in 1911 by a New York physician by the name of Dr. William Hay. Fed up by conventional medicine's incapability of curing his Bright's Disease, a life-threatening illness during that time, he sought for alternative and better ways of treating himself. He came up with the idea of food combining, which deals with how different foods are digested uniquely. For example, some foods require an acid enzyme, while others need an alkaline environment to be properly assimilated. The two groups should never go together.

This discovery not only led to his disease being cured, but enabled him to become a successful lecturer and teacher of proper food combining, which has taken in a lot of names and derivatives such as the popular "Hay Diet" of today.

What does food combining then have to do with acid reflux?

Remember what I mentioned earlier when I said that it's a message telling your body something is wrong inside? Chances are, it's been the way you've been eating all this time that is causing the pain you are now feeling. Not just what you ate yesterday or last week, but for your whole lifetime. Acid reflux or GERD is not something that you get overnight.

Let's be specific. If you are like me, your eating habits before mainly consisted of skipping breakfast (because time is gold), rushing off to work, skipping lunch hour and eating like a ravenous wolf come 2 or 3 in the afternoon. You then finish off the rest of your day with more work and reason that since you had a heavy meal (1 meal at that), you skip dinner time, and settle for a tempting treat say 9 or 10 in the evening. That would be either a bag of chips, that melted chocolate cake that's sitting all by itself in the fridge, your favorite 3 flavor combination ice cream, or something that's less than healthy. Then you "rinse and repeat" that same thing the next day. And the next day.

What can you expect 5 or 10 years later? Some, even for just a year already have acid reflux symptoms. It is different from person to person as it depends on how good you've been to your body all this time.

Proper food combining solves and restores order to the body, specifically to the digestive system. And the amazing thing is, the human body is capable of healing itself given the right kind of environment where it can take place. Again, it doesn't happen overnight, although some have been surprised of the immediate relief they have experienced. But give it a few weeks to a few months, and you'll definitely see improvements that your doctor would never believe could possibly happen again.

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Joined: May 13th, 2021
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