Socrateach Peer to Peer tutor App: A great learning and earning Resource

Posted by Socra Teach on May 14th, 2021

Socrateach Peer to Peer tutor App: A great learning and earning Resource

Socrateach Peer to peer tutor app is a great way to democratize education and help your fellow students. Socrateach is one of the Best Online Tutoring apps that students use. 

If you feel stuck with your assignments or schoolwork, all you need to do on a peer app is take a photo, upload it and your peers or fellow students can help solve them for you.

It is a great way for students to connect, learn and even earn at the same time. Simultaneously, it is cost-effective for the student posting the query as they need not pay exorbitant fees to private tutors. It also helps facilitate a culture of self-study.

How does a peer-to-peer teaching app work?


Students at school often seek the help of each other. It is the same with the SocraTeach peer to tutor app. It’s just done virtually. 

It is similar to an in-person session. Through the Online Tutor App, Socrateach enables students to promptly and effortlessly network with each other and connect those who require help to students willing and able to help.

SocraTeach peer-to-peer tutor app also focuses on small learning of 10-15 minutes to help students grasp concepts and clear any doubts upfront. With Socrateach Peer to Peer tutor app, you can easily shift between learning and teaching

Need help? Simply toggle your role to learn, upload a picture of your problem, and wait for an offer from a tutor standing by to help!

Want to earn some quick cash? Toggle your role to teach and swipe through problems uploaded by your peers!

One of the reasons that students love Socrateach is that it enables you to share your knowledge with other students and earn quick cash in the process. 

You can have the money transferred to your account or reserve it to fund your own problem-solving sessions. 

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Socra Teach

About the Author

Socra Teach
Joined: May 14th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1