Transvaginal Mesh and Bladder Swings Both Found to Be Dangerous
Posted by Lawsuit Information on September 18th, 2015
Originally used to treat hernias, mesh has been around for a long time as a relatively safe treatment. However, as applications and insertion methods changed, the number of complications dramatically increased. Doctors began to create bladder swings to hold organs in place for women who have given birth and they also began inserting the mesh through the vagina. Most of the complications have come because of the transvagical insertion and they have been life altering and tragic.
The mesh gets grown into the tissue and it’s as hard to remove as gum from hair. Even expensive surgeries often will not remove the mesh. The mesh can erode through organ walls and puncture hollow organs. It can cause infectious and lead to death. It can cause lifelong pain and recurring problems with sexual intercourse. When mesh was only used to repair stomach linings, small problems popped up from intestinal blockages but now the complications are increasing deadly and complicated. Organ perforation and erosion is not something to be taken lightly.
Mesh has been used since the 1950’s and it’s commonly used by doctors. It’s made of different organic and inorganic materials. Sometimes it’s made from animal byproducts, plastic or steel.
The process of childbirth often weakens pelvic muscles and women develop stress urinary incontinence which can lead to leaking urine doing daily things. The mesh has now been used to hold the bladder up so it doesn’t push on the urethra. This drooping of the organs is called pelvic organ prolapse but the treatment of using transvaginal mesh has tragically created many more problems. Women are often told it’s a quick fix and then they are dealing with years of surgeries and complications not to mention the stress of sexual interference in their relationships.
When this mesh began to be implanted permanently through the vagina, more problems arose including nerve pain, bleeding, discharge and pain. Sadly some women have died from these complications. Life altering complications such as those associated with transvaginal mesh and bladder slings cannot be ignored and must be brought to the public’s attention.
The difference between a bladder sling and transvaginal mesh is that a bladder swing is much smaller. The sling was just to help the muscles holding the bladder and help prevent stress urinary incontinence. However, transvagical mesh is larger and used to hold organs in place and prevent organ prolapse which is when organs move around and push on organs below them causing problems.
These slings have been modified as tape and made into small kits for doctors. The insertion of the bladder sling is not extremely invasive because of it’s small size whereas the transvaginal mesh is a more involved procedure. The transvaginal mesh was intended to reduce the need to make incisions but has led to more complications.
The slings are inserted by making one small incisions and it’s usually an outpatient procedure. The transvaginal mesh implants usually require longer hospitalization. Keep in mind, both procedures have led to serious complications and are not advised. They both can lead to increased urination, puncture organs and lead to infections. Not to mention that they are near impossible to remove once the tissues have grown around them.
While these slings and transvaginal mesh are often both inserted into the vaginal wall, do not be deceived if a doctor tells you that the sling is a less invasive and therefore safer alternative to transvaginal mesh. Really neither of them should be used to treat pelvic conditions for women.
It was an unsafe presumption that the mesh used to treat hernias could be applied to the pelvic region and vaginal walls. There was not proper testing before these products were mass marketed and used on patients. It’s important to share this information with friends and family to protect them from possible fatal or life altering complications.
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