Top Tips for Dating Disasters in Germany

Posted by Andreas Winkler on May 17th, 2021

This is a fun book with lots of funny jokes, stories and anecdotes about dating in Germany. It pokes fun at the dating rituals in Germany and Ireland and indeed the world over. It contains many funny stories about dating in Germany, so you can be sure they are all very thorough and reliable. Warning: If you are looking for a politically correct text, do not read the fun book. However, do feel free to buy it. In 2003 Mel Kelly lost his job in Dublin. Struggling to find another job in Ireland and struggling even more to find a date, he moved to Munich. After many cold and lonely German nights, he realised that work alone, even the precise German work, was not enough for a happy life. It looked like it was time to take another step into the German culture and find love - German love. But this was a giant leap into the unknown: Were German women very different from Irish women? Or were all women the world over similar? Learn the top tips on how NOT to date in Germany, Ireland or any other country. All the top tips on how dating does not work! From dating disasters to a relationship rollercoaster, and the blunders keep on coming. Follow this hilarious story of finding love in Germany. The book will be one of the top comedy books to read in 2021. The fun comedy book is available to buy in print and electronic form here: About Mel Kelly Mel Kelly is an Irishman living in Germany since 2003 is an award-winning speaker at the European level since 2005. He founded Comedy Club Munich in 2014 and then started doing comedy on stages all over Europe. He uses his funny comedy material as basis of his first of surely many humour books.

Mel Kelly is an Irishman living in Germany since 2003 is an award-winning speaker at the European level since 2005. He founded Comedy Club Munich in 2014 and then started doing comedy on stages all over Europe. He uses his funny comedy material as basis of his first of surely many humour books.

Contact Mel Kelly Mel Kelly Weissenburgerstr 22 81667 Mùˆnchen Phone: 004915778906455 E-Mail: Url:

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Andreas Winkler

About the Author

Andreas Winkler
Joined: June 7th, 2017
Articles Posted: 1,295

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