3 Easy Ways To Preserve Your Coin Collection

Posted by Stephanie Snyder on May 17th, 2021

Whether for fun or business, a coin collection is an exciting way of holding a piece of history at your fingertips.

A look at a well-organized collection shows progression minted on pieces of metal, i.e., the triumphs of society and the long-winded road to achieving it. Over time, the value of these memorabilia pieces increases, and as such, preservation of their quality is an essential part of the work of a coin collector. How can the coins in your collection be best preserved? Here are a few tips to consider.


When collecting coins, one of the most important questions to answer is where and how to store them. You can do it in many ways, including coin cases from the National mint, coin holders, or coin folders. What method you chose should be based on your personal preferences and what you intend to do with them. The coin cases would be ideal for hidden storage, where the coins are not often looked at or handled. On the other hand, if your coins are often subject to scrutiny, coin holders and folders might be best for you.

With these types of holders, you are less likely to make physical contact with the coins and damage them or their quality. You can source these online. For example, HobbyMaster has a notable collection of folders. Remember, the more well preserved a coin is, the more valuable it is later. A good collection starts first with proper storage, so be thorough in choosing the one that's right for you.

Placement in Storage

Your coins should not be exposed to rust, dust, moisture, or any other type of damaging factor for the sake of their quality. Sweat from your skin, liquid droplets, poorly controlled dust areas is all things that can contribute to the diminishing of a coin's quality. As such, it is highly recommended that coins be stored in a cool, dry place, with proper ventilation to avoid condensation and with open enough space that moisture doesn't inadvertently fall on them.

Rust or discoloration are the number one factors that affect a coin's value, so these must be prevented at all costs. Coins must also be sparingly cleaned to reduce the risk of damage but are necessary ever so often to remove the buildup of dust, grime, and other particles and prevent long-term damage such as rust.

If you choose to store your coins in any box or vault-like setting, such as a safety deposit box, then using silica gel around its edges is highly recommended to prevent the gathering of moisture inside. This goes the same for an office safe.

Handling Your Coin Collection With Care

Even if your coin collection is not touched or viewed daily, there are instances when they are removed entirely for inspection or cleaning. It is vital that you are wholly covered during these times to limit skin contact with coins. A soft glove is recommended for holding them. This prevents sweat, skin residue, or hair from coming in contact with coins and allows substances on the coin's surface to become apparent quickly. In addition, coins should be cleaned with only water-based solutions. Things such as rust removers, metal polishers, and acid are harsh and may cause immediate wear and tear or contribute heavily to it later. This will further devalue your coin, so be careful with the use of these substances.

In caring for your coins, you also need to be kept abreast of what happens daily so that it is easier to debride them. As such, your cleaning kit should include magnifying glasses, soft cloth for polishing, and the clean storage method for your coins.

All in all, collecting coins is more than a hobby. In some instances, it can be a lifestyle. So whether for amusement or serious monetary purposes, the gained collection must be preserved at all costs. Achieving this starts from the simple steps of storing and the more critical cleaning and maintenance steps. In executing these actions, what you do and how you do it will say the most about the value that you place on your coins.

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Stephanie Snyder

About the Author

Stephanie Snyder
Joined: May 17th, 2021
Articles Posted: 88

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