Hymen Repair Surgery Revirginisation

Posted by mehetavikas on May 18th, 2021

What is Hymenoplasty?

The cosmetic repair, reconstruction, or creation of a woman's hymen, also known as hymenorrhaphy, is known as hymenoplasty. Revirginization is another term for restoring the hymen.


What is a Hymen?

A definition of hymenoplasty surgery, as well as some detail about the hymen, may help explain the procedure.

The hymen is made of human tissue and resembles an oval rubber washer that protects the vaginal opening partially or entirely. This ring-shaped membrane can be thin and flexible, or it can be dense and rigid. It forms when the female is still in the womb, typically about the fourth month of pregnancy.

Contrary to popular belief, the hymen is NOT an impenetrable seal, except in exceptional instances. There would be no way for menstrual flow or healthy, natural vaginal discharge to leave the body if this were the case.

What Are Some of the Reasons for Hymenoplasty?


Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure used to restore or reconstruct a woman's hymen. Their motives for pursuing this treatment vary, and they may be physical or psychological.

  • Reclaiming control: When a woman is sexually assaulted, she is understandably left with traumatic psychological problems. She may feel deprived not only of her innocence but also of the opportunity to give the virginal gift of an intact hymen to the person of her choosing. Hymenoplasty can provide her with not only the physical restoration she seeks but also some psychological relief and healing.
  • Burying the past: Sexual curiosity and experimentation are a normal part of growing up, particularly during puberty when hormones are changing and spiking. Peer pressure may also persuade a young girl to engage in sexual activity before she is psychologically prepared for the emotional effects of such physical contact. As she matures, she may feel remorse for indulging her curiosity too early or too often, and she may attempt to bury signs of what she may, in hindsight, see as promiscuity or poor judgment. Revirginization can psychologically allow her to rewind the clock and begin again.
  • Cultural beliefs: Since the existence of an intact hymen is still considered sacred in many cultures, a woman will want to give this sign of purity to her husband for their upcoming wedding.
  • Accidental rupture or tearing: For certain women, hymen penetration caused by bicycle or horseback riding, slipping on ice, or tampon insertion is unacceptable, and they seek hymenoplasty to repair what was inadvertently destroyed.
  • Enhancement of sexual pleasure: The vaginal muscles can weaken after childbirth. Flaccidity develops with age as well. Hymenoplasty often tightens these muscles, resulting in a more sensually satisfying.
  • Imperforate hymen: The hymen covers the entire vaginal opening in this state. It is normally not discovered until a young girl reaches puberty and her menstrual flow becomes blocked. The hymenoplasty operation to correct this is known as hymenotomy, and a small hole in the membrane is created to allow blood flow.
  • Septate hymen: The hymenal tissue is split into what looks like rope-like bands. The hymenal tissue is divided into what seem to be rope-like bands. They mimic linked tonsils on both ends and can obstruct tampon use or penile penetration. Hymenotomy corrects this as well. A septate hymen may also refer to a very thick or rigid hymen, such as the almost bulletproof one described earlier in romantic lore, and can necessitate surgical penetration.
  • Microperforated hymen: This is identical to an imperforated hymen and is treated similarly. A micro-perforated hymen has a narrow opening that is only large enough to allow menstrual flow. When a woman wants to use tampons, it normally does not pose a problem or necessitate enlargement.

What Happens During Hymenoplasty?


Hymenoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure that can be performed in our clinic under local anesthesia. Any broken skin around the hymen is carefully and neatly removed, and the remaining tissue is stitched together, leaving a slight gap. The hymenal ring is returned to its natural size and shape as a result of this procedure.

If there is insufficient skin to restore the hymen, or if one does not exist, the surgeon can build one using either the body's thin vaginal skin (vaginal mucosa) or synthetic tissue. A limited blood supply, either artificial or taken from a piece of the vaginal flap, can be added to simulate typical bleeding upon subsequent penetration.


What is the Recovery Time?


The surgery could take between one and two hours, depending on the amount of repair needed. Though this is a therapeutic procedure that requires no hospitalization and allows women to return to work the next day, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided. There may be some minor bleeding within the first 48 to 72 hours, but this is completely normal.

It takes about six weeks to fully recover. There will be no visible signs of surgery, and it will be difficult to distinguish between a normal and a reconstructed hymen. At this stage, the reconstruction process will be complete, and you will be able to feel all of the sensations associated with virginal, first-time.




There are rare complications. However, the doctor should be contacted if the patient experiences any of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Pain beyond moderate discomfort after three days
  • Unusual or foul-smelling discharge
  • Intense itching
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Inflammation.

To know more about Hymen Repair Surgery you can Consult with Dr. Rahul Dalal to learn more about strategies to manage your Hymen Repair Surgery.

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