Rodrygo Story

Posted by Faircloth Bullard on May 18th, 2021

The advantage of Rodrygo as a player is that he includes a fairly good mechanic for his age and speed regarding his skills. He is able to stick the ball to his feet with fairly smooth movements when he receives and touches the ball, and he will bounce or move from his feet less frequently while speeding up. He has their own signature move that changes the direction of the ball outward with just the end of the toe, alongside light body painting while dribbling while looking straight ahead. The physical factors to support these technical factors are not bad either. The comparison target is Vinicius, so it's not highly evaluated, but it has quite the three components of speed mentioned in the Vinicius story-maximum speed, explosive power, and agility-and the biggest market of gravity is stable, therefore the direction change is smooth. For that reason, Rodrygo will be able to smoothly peel off the defense with the ball despite having the speed on, in fact it is easy to take another play because the ball can be placed within its gap. Rodrygo's first team debut goal vs Osasuna (19/20 Liga 6R). The technical strengths mentioned previously are all condensed into this goal. In addition, in terms of playing while holding the ball, I tend to do everything well, whether it's a pass or perhaps a kick, and because I have an understanding of the bond and a feeling of movement, I'm unreasonably entangled in the opponent's defense like any other promising dribbler. They're less frequent and often make an effort to solve the situation through the use of colleagues around them. He knows how to take a dummy proceed to complete the defense with a 2v1 pass in a tight space, or to secure an option for a teammate who caught the ball nearby. Primarily, Rodrygo's cleverness with regard to movement sticks out most when his team is pulling aggro elsewhere on the field. When the opponent's defense is focused on his teammates, it's a pretty good move to visit the danger zone outside the defenders' line of sight. In fact, if you go through the scores Rodrygo scored in this team, the majority of them pop out from the back of the defense and finish with the ball, and the time when Rodrygo's scoring is targeted is really a period when Hazard was playing normally for this team, for a very small amount of time. This proves it. Azar vs. Rodrygo's heat map. (Left) Hazard vs Sociedad (19/20 Riga 14R) (Middle) Rodrygo vs Alaves (19/20 Riga 35R) (Right) Rodrygo vs Eibar (20/21 Riga 14R) Hodrigu's various uses in the light wing. (Left) vs Shakhtar (20/21 Champions Group Stage 5R) (Middle) vs Galatasaray (19/20 Champions Group Stage 4R) (Right) vs Cadiz (20/21 Riga 31R) Square-Pass Triangle-Dribble Circle-Shoot Green Border- Success Red Border-Failure Blue Border-Goal Thanks to these advantages, Rodrygo has the tactical advantage of having the capacity to perform at a particular level without requiring plenty of team resources as it is less oriented to position and role because of its low left and right versatility. Even when you come out with the right wing, you need to use it as a similar vazquez, as a second scorer, as an axis of the main ball like the last game of the group stage with MGE, or as a free-roll based on the right side just like the recent Cadiz match, depending on game concept prepared by the team. It had been really unavoidable, but it can be utilized as a middle, exactly like Getafe. In the process, it doesn't take much resources. When he comes to the left, Rodrygo's advantage over the comparison group is that he can naturally ride a diagonal line, and through it, he can try various partial tactics with his colleagues in two space. At all, it doesn't reach the level of starting play with the ball mainly in two space or boosting the pace from there, but just having the ability to use half space to a certain degree makes it a good option for Cross and Benzema, which is Zidane. Given that this is one of the main reasons he wanted this Hazard, it will be a robust weapon for Rodrygo in future left competitions. Nevertheless, the reason why Rodrygo does not have an edge in the left competition and moves to the right is because most of the advantages in the above list are'for age'. Weapons that may interest the adult stage beyond age ranges, like Vinicius, are inconspicuous. Some physical factors, such as loneliness strength and muscular endurance, certainly are a bit uncomfortable even with the expression old contrast, so it's difficult to make sure consistency in contention. Technically, he possesses quite good qualities, but the quality of on-ball play drops sharply when meeting opponents who are able to keep pace with their own pace and that are larger in proportions than themselves, or when the vertical movement line becomes longer, or once the interval between matches becomes tight. There exists a spot. As I know it well, I'm not an active player in the first place, but on those days, the number of options tends to diminish. Potential to derive from here? Perhaps a weakness that may be seen as already being revealed is the carry power. Just because good technology and versatility yield decent efficiency despite having a small resource investment does not mean that efficiency could be saved even when a great deal of resources are invested. If it looks like now, it won't matter in the event that you arrange it like Vinicius and try it. If you complete what you have, you can turn into a post Neymar post Hazard, but if you're given only limited opportunities with unscrupulous parts in the name of versatility like now, it'll be more and more difficult to totally exploit your abilities. 토토사이트,메이저놀이터 who has eaten meat also leads the ball flow from the front and stirs the opponent's camp as cracks, but even though the above-described physical problems are resolved over time, it doesn't seem so easy with the experience up to now. In the end, the only thing left may be the regret that you came too early. It is for another reason than Vinicius, but the absence of'intrusion' mentioned in the Vinicius story applies equally to Rodrygo as a regret. Despite the fact that Vinicius alone had just a little chance to do so under Solari, it is just a reality that Rodrygo also swung left and right in Brazil. In the event that you had the opportunity to try enough to'break into' at a level where your skills and physical works, whether it became Brazil or another European stage, although you may couldn't ensure it is to Castile, you wouldn't have to worry a little about your carry power in the event that you could. There will need to have been. Mgejeon data. (Left) Comparison of heat maps between left and right units (Mendi-Cross-Vinicius/Vazquez-Modrich-Hodrigu) (middle) Real's try to cross (right) Rodrygo heatmap Aviation data. (Left) Real Team Heatmap (Middle) Hodrigu Personal Heatmap (Right) Hodrigu Personal Stats. Square-pass triangle-dribble circle-shoot green border-success red border-fail blue arrow-blocked shot yellow arrow-assist The short performances and organ injuries in December tend to be more regrettable. Simply because Azar's successive departure and Vinicius's sluggishness raised the team's position relative to him, and he was also in a state of being able to digest it. The ultimate match of the Champions against Mge was Zidane's decision and the proper side was dug, and Rodrygo recorded an help with a good move and a cross that satisfies Zidane's intentions among the main pillars. When he showed his good figure here, he placed it on the left altogether in the Eivar away following the two games and made it in harmony with Cross and Benzema, and in addition showed an activity that satisfies the expectations of fans and Zidane here. In the personal heat map, you can view that the diagonal lines and half-space space are well utilized, and the shooting zone is formed very near to the goal. There were no goals, but he also scored an help with an excellent pass in this match. The momentum was so good that I felt a lot more regretful of the organ injury I suffered within the next game. A lot more so, I haven't had the opportunity to find my own body in December since that injury. It is a time of regret and good and the bad, but one thing to look forward to is that Rodrygo is younger than Vinicius. It's only given that the 19-20 year old season has passed, and due to the fact most of the peers haven't even debuted in the first group yet, this could be considered a growing pain. However, I think it's important for both the team and myself to think about the changes in the environment at least once as the team enters the 20s in times where there's still no significant difference in the ranks of the team from the time when they joined the team while missing the chance that came in December. When Vasquez goes out, there should be a location that only Rodrygo can do, but the team isn't very influenced by those parts. Since it is high. To make 토토사이트,메이저놀이터 , the initial and foremost thing would be to ensure traffic control within the team. In fact, if only Hazard have been fine, the ranking could have ended earlier, and the average person players would have been able to reliably determine the direction of growth, but the situation became sane as Hazard fell and the corona overlapped. Probably, it would be very popular as he had a lot of players when it comes to rentals, but if you actually want to provide you with a chance with rentals, I'd like you to send your shovels to a location that will bring out your talents and also possible. It?s because he?s 안전놀이터 to remain therefore a decent player.

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Faircloth Bullard

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Faircloth Bullard
Joined: April 24th, 2021
Articles Posted: 20

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