Keep your CPAP machine clean & breathe in fresh oxygen at all times!

Posted by Ecarekit on May 19th, 2021

With this health condition, people find it difficult to breathe temporarily while asleep. It disrupts sleep, and disrupted sleep can cause massive health risks and dangerous diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 

Why use CPAP?

With the help of a CPAP device, you can breathe easily while sleeping, and your sleep will not be disturbed. The CPAP machine sends oxygen into your nasal cavity and mouth while you sleep, and it keeps your airways open, thereby helping you to breathe normally. 

But don’t forget to keep it clean otherwise, it can cause more problems by sending harmful bacteria inside your body. You can use CPAP cleaner disinfector and other such appliances to carry out the cleaning procedure at home, even in the absence of any expert. 

How to use it? 

Patients with Obstructive sleep apnea are very often prescribed to use CPAP to treat the condition. It is one of the most reliable and effective treatments for sleep apnea, and patients feel comfortable in no time. You can get the best results if you use it every time you fall asleep for a long period of time. This is because, according to research, the best results can be seen when the patients use it for at least five to six hours on a regular basis.

Why cleaning a CPAP machine is essential?

The problem with CPAP devices is that only using them regularly is not enough, you need to know the importance of cleaning the machine at frequent intervals too. Daily cleaning of the mask is also a must since using any part of the machine that is not appropriately sanitized can put the patient at a greater risk. A study from Harvard medical found that more than 2000 bacteria grow in just 48 hours. A number of patients who use CPAP machines get respiratory infections many times a year. So, if you are a patient, then you should never neglect the cleaning of a CPAP machine.

How to Clean the CPAP machine?

There are some devices that help to clean the CPAP machine more effectively than the others. These appliances will protect the patients from harmful bacterial infections by killing the microorganisms right before they can entire the airways. One such instrument is CPAP viral filter, which is a medical device used in CPAP to protect the equipment from viruses and bacteria. Moreover, these filters use an induced electrostatic charge to capture harmful particles. Such filters also capture all the allergens present in the air, which automatically improves the air quality. So, by using this tool, you can definitely keep your CPAP machine protected and stay healthy at all times.

Now that you understand the importance of keeping your CPAP machine clean, you must be wondering how to get access to these products. Well, most of these appliances are not readily available in the market, but you can buy them easily from Ecarekit. They have anion oxygen machine and countless tools for CPAP devices available at a highly affordable price. Check out their website for more detailed information.  

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