10 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Marketing Content

Posted by Muhammad Irshad on May 20th, 2021

Maybe you are wondering how to generate more leads for your company in 2021 and beyond.  In this article, we discuss more than 10 proven strategies that will help attract more visitors to your website and enhance your business visibility to the target audience or potential customers, so to say. 

In fact, content marketing benefits are undeniable for small and medium-level businesses. It begins with optimizing your website for search engines like Google as SEO-friendly websites can drive in more customers to your online business, and introducing them to your brand. However, brands can also increase traffic to their websites in other multiple strategies besides content marketing.

It is possible to use a number of strategies to build relationships with leads and customers while driving more traffic back to your site. It depends on which one you choose. Some might require an investment up-front, while others will just require your time and energy. Your business must find the most effective tactics, and then you must focus your efforts there. If you are a Gulf-based business, hiring professional SEO services Dubai based firm can help you devise the perfect marketing strategy for your business to rank up in 2021 and ramp up your website traffic. 

Here are ten tips that will help you devise a successful content marketing strategy for your business. 

  1. Optimize Your Blog With Targeted Keywords

You will not be able to reach new clients if your SEO and keyword research practices aren't effective. The good news is that Google and other major search engines are constantly striving to improve the user experience, thus keywords stuffing has become increasingly unacceptable and has no value under the search engine radar. 

Search engines are helping you find content that's unique, engaging, and highly relevant to your business and services. Content that is customer-centric and helps resolve the end user's queries.  Their aim is to give the user what they want by making it as easy as possible for them to find it. Your website ranks against your target keywords when you insert and place the keywords that seem more natural,  carry a contextual meaning, and rather not forced or injected to content for instant results. 

Here are the recommended places to use your keywords:

  • The URL
  • Main Title and H1 tags
  • Meta descriptions.
  • The first paragraph should be the first sentence if possible.
  • Subheads that make sense (if anything).
  • Alt-text and file names of image files.
  1. Encourage people to share

Content marketing is the process of getting your message in front of the right readers. Think of how many friends your perfect reader has who fit the same profile as you when you have them. The goal of every content creator is to go viral. In addition, you spent many hours working on it, and now it is time to show the world what you have accomplished.

When someone shares your content why do they want to do this?

  • Good causes and events motivate people to share
  • People should be able to easily share your content.
  • Share your content with others
  • Encourage your friends to comment
  • You must also incorporate media files into your content, such as images and videos. 
  • Your content headlines must be catchy and attention-grabbing. 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The one thing I am absolutely obsessed with is search engine optimization (SEO) is long term technique. For even experienced marketers, SEO can pose a challenge. It takes a lot of effort and time to actually bring a website to the top search page. However, with the right SEO strategy in place, you can increase your traffic over time and require less investment, when compared to other paid marketing techniques, like Pay Per Click ( PPC) or Cost Per Click ( CPC). 

The thing I have noticed about organic traffic is that the conversion rate is up to 13 times greater compared to paid traffic. Typically, businesses keep in-house SEO specialists that constantly work on ramping up the site visibility for one simple put; to increase the rate of customer acquisition and creating awareness. 

  1. Starting Guest Blogging

As always, guest blogging is an easy way to increase your traffic. It should generate some decent numbers of traffic for you if you get a post on a site with plenty of reaches. Best of all, be sure to post a guest blog that is topical or related to your industry. While it may be difficult to convince popular blogs and bloggers to let your guest blog on their site, it is worth it when just one of them agrees to publish your guest post. 

  1. Do Remarketing 

You have to remember that sometimes customers may not be ready to buy the moment they see your content. But if you capture their contact information and email, you can keep them engaged by delivering them more relevant content till they turn to buy your products or services. Remarketing must be in place as part of the successful marketing campaign to reach out to visitors who abandoned the cart.  

  1. Run Paid Ads

Pay-per-click advertisements are an easy way to increase traffic. They are simply switched on just like a faucet. Make sure your sales funnel is airtight if you are diving into Facebook ads, Google ads, YouTube ads, and so on. Otherwise, sending paid traffic to your site is largely a waste of time and money.

To do this, you need to get the right landing pages and funnels in place and make sure that they're converting your visitors into leads and buyers.

  1. Facebook Pages and Groups

Start commenting and engaging with relevant Facebook Groups and Pages. Do not spam. Do not promote. At least at first. Please add value to the discussion by commenting. After that, and only then, point them towards relevant content on your website that would add something to the conversation. Getting the right prospects can not only turn into customers but getting them right can get your company more exposure.

  1. Add Slideshare Slides

A great way to get traffic to your site is to make use of Slideshare. The good thing is,  it's completely free. Additionally, your slides might go viral when done properly. Presentations with PowerPoint-style slides is what we are talking about. Provide your audience with shareable content that they can relate to, and make sure to link back to your site.

  1. Email Marketing

One of the best ways to make money online and attract traffic to whatever it is that you're promoting is to use email marketing. Building your own email list with lead magnets and sales funnels is one option, as is running solo ads with solo ad providers or email list brokers. You can search for the topic + "email list broker" in Google.

  1. Content on Expired Websites Must be Refreshed

It is time to refresh your blog if it is outdated. Make it current. The content that has expired is useless. If your post has expired, then you need to bring it up to date in order to make it more relevant. The results are impressive, but it doesn't require too much effort to send such powerful relevancy signals to Google. As a result, your traffic will increase over time.

Final Words

With the world going digitized day by day, adopting digital marketing for the eCommerce business is a no-brainer. Therefore, having a well-planned marketing strategy in place that includes both paid and unpaid techniques helps bring in new customers. 

To reach out to target customers organically and achieve more conversions, you need to heavily rely on content marketing, social media, and Google marketing, as well as affiliate marketing.

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Muhammad Irshad

About the Author

Muhammad Irshad
Joined: June 24th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1