Adolescent Erectile Dysfunction

Posted by Pawan Gupta on May 20th, 2021

Adolescent erectile dysfunction can have serious consequences: early treatment is essential

Surprisingly, erectile dysfunction can also occur in teenage boys.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which, as a result of abnormal functioning of the organ system, a man suffers from a potency disorder permanently and for a long time. However, erectile dysfunction problems are no longer just a disease of the elderly, it can occur in more and more men under the age of forty, but also in teenage boys, says sex specialist in Delhi.

Adolescents who experience erectile dysfunction can be mentally injured, and the condition can also affect their later sex lives and the quality of their relationship, so it’s worth starting to explore and treat the causes as soon as possible, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

Adolescent erectile dysfunction

It seems unlikely that a teenage teenager will have erectile problems, although as well as mental, there may be an organic problem in the background. 

According to a study conducted on 40 young people between the ages of 14 and 19 who had had an erection problem for an average of two years and who therefore sought help from one of the centers that specialized in it. The research found that half of the teens had reduced or absented sexual urge, 30 had trouble getting an erection, and 35 had trouble maintaining an erection for an extended period of time. 

Penile blood flow was monitored by ultrasound in 25 boys, 12 of whom were found to have inadequate flow, and 13 were presumed to have psychological causes behind the problem.

Early treatment is essential

Performance failure can also cause shame and lack of self-confidence in young people, but prolonged erectile dysfunction can also affect their general mental state and their existing or later relationships. According to the person skilled in the art, if there is a physical cause, treatment is often possible with hormone therapy or vascular surgery and medication. If the possibility of organ damage is ruled out, the problem is most likely of mental origin, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

Psychic causes can include anxiety, stress, childhood abuse, or depression. Inexperienced couples may experience erectile problems in the early stages of sexual intercourse, which will make the young person increasingly frustrated, tense, and fear of leaving, which may accompany them throughout adulthood.

There are several methods of sex treatment in Delhi to help get rid of anxiety, performance failure, and poorly innervated attitudes. Counseling with sexologist doctor in Delhi helps you explore the problem, resolve tensions, and resolve it.

Is childhood masturbation harmful or not?

From the age of six, children gradually map out the roles of their own gender and engage in cognition of their bodies, and later, during adolescence and early puberty, they develop a sexual interest in the other sex. The development of this process is as natural and normal as complacency at a young age, which is taboo to this day, says top sexologist in Delhi.

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Pawan Gupta

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Pawan Gupta
Joined: April 9th, 2021
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