Organic Latex Mattress Buying GuidePosted by INOFIA Inc. on May 22nd, 2021 So, you're looking for a new organic latex mattress? Confused yet? It's not hard to become confused with all the information, misinformation and conflicting facts you may find about the new mattress you are looking to buy. There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for that mattress and a few things to never forget in that search. If you remember these simple things, shopping for the perfect organic latex mattress will become a lot clearer and will ensure you get what it is you are looking for, and, more important, what you are paying for. One of the most important things to remember is to not forget what it is that you are looking for. Sounds like a complicated statement, but it's a vital one in your search for your organic mattress. Basically, what it means is to not lose sight of your mission. Don't let someone talk you into something that you know isn't what you want. If you want a truly organic mattress, don't settle for anything less. There are many retailers out there selling organic mattresses. Some companies that sell truly organic mattresses and some that do not. Before you begin comparing mattresses, you need to compare companies. Begin by weeding out the ones that aren't 100% organic. ORGANIC LATEX MATTRESS. This can mean different things to different people and organic can definitely mean something different to you than to the manufacturer that is building your mattress. If you are looking for and paying for organic, make sure you are getting 100% organic components in your mattress. The law says that if a manufacturer puts as little as 8% organic materials into their product they can call that product organic. Yes, I said 8%! Why bother, right? Be sure the product says it is 100% organic. If it doesn't, you are not getting a truly organic product. And, after all, isn't that what you are paying for? Don't be fooled by a 'pure' product. Just because a product says that it is pure, doesn't mean it's organic. In fact, most manufacturers that use "pure" or some term other than organic to describe their raw goods are in fact NOT using organic ingredients in their mattresses. Some manufacturers will go as far as telling you un-truths to cover the fact they are not using organic. For instance, some companies will tell you that organic wool is dirty and filled with feces. That's absolutely, 100% not true and is simply a selling tactic to cover the fact they do not use organic wool in their mattresses. Organic wool, like any other wool used in the manufacturing industry, is washed with natural and earth-friendly soaps. Organic wool is more expensive to produce and when a manufacturer is looking to cut costs, wool is a simple thing to skimp on. Non-organic wool affords the manufacturer lower costs and better profit margins while the consumer is left with an inferior, non-organic product. The organic mattress market is becoming very competitive as the popularity of organic products continues to grow. Insist on organic wool and be sure to check out the manufacturers certificates for the organic wool. Reputable retailers will have these certificates readily available. For your convenience, some retailers have links to their certificates on their website. Don't stop there. Follow up on those certificates. Call the supplier and verify that the manufacturer you are considering purchasing your mattress from is indeed buying their products from the supplier they have the certificates for. Insisting on organic wool is the only way to be sure there is nothing in your wool that you don't want there. By Federal law, ANY AND ALL mattresses manufactured and sold in the United States must pass a flame test. Under the law, a mattress must be subjected to a flame for 70 seconds before it ignites. How this is achieved varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but most manufacturers achieve this by using chemicals. These chemicals (Boric acid, Antimony and Decabromodiphenyl Oxide) are the same chemicals that have been banned in Europe for years and the same chemicals that are used in pesticides to kill roaches and have been linked to reproductive and developmental diseases, heart and lung damage, hair and memory loss, SIDS, birth defects, skin irritation and are believed to be carcinogens. Continued exposure to these chemicals cause accumulation in the body and present themselves in breast milk, the blood stream and in umbilical cord fluids. Some organic mattress manufacturers produce an organic product only to spray it down with these chemicals to pass the flame law test. So while you are buying an organic mattress, that does not necessarily mean you are buying a chemical-free mattress. It only means you are buying a mattress made with organic materials that have been sprayed with chemicals. Imagine the hypocrisy! This is where the importance of organic wool becomes apparent. Naturally, wool is a fire retardant. Wool doesn't burn when exposed to a flame. When wool is used in an ample amount (an inch compressed) it becomes a fire retardant that passes the federal flame law requirements, making chemicals no longer necessary. While it is more costly to use wool, a true organic mattress manufacturer goes the extra step to be sure that your mattress is chemical free and truly organic. By the way, there are other fire-proofing methods available that are not chemical, but they also are not natural or organic. Be sure to ask if the manufacturer is using organic wool for fire retardant in the organic mattress. Another consideration when purchasing a new organic latex mattress is the type of cover that the manufacturer uses. The cover should be 100% organic. While there are different options for the type of material used in the cover, cotton is the best option. Bamboo, on the other hand, is a poor choice because of the process it goes through to be made into a fabric. Many hazardous chemicals are required to process bamboo thus making it "un-organic." Most bamboo fabric is manufactured in China where the employees are subjected to poor working conditions and little or no ventilation. There are many "gimmick" fabrics available, such as aloe vera and lavender infused fabrics that are supposed to help with one ailment or another. Honestly, don't waste your money. They don't work. And if they did, they wouldn't be able to make it through your sheets to get to your body. Hemp is good quality fabric but tends to be more expensive than cotton with no additional benefits. While the cover is the one part of the mattress that you will come in contact with, many manufacturers use a cheap, sometimes uncomfortable cover on their mattresses. The cover should be soft and comfortable to the touch. Although sheets should always be used on your mattress, a rough, uncomfortable cover will come through the sheets and make your sleeping experience less than desirable. If you are unsure about the cover that is being used to make your mattress, ask for a sample to be sent to you so you can feel it out before you buy the mattress. Any reputable company would be more than happy to fill your request. A lot of companies will send you a sample pack of all the ingredients that make up their bed, but this is simply overkill and an unnecessary gesture. Unless you are concerned about latex allergies, the latex used in your mattress is pretty much the same from company to company. Next, be sure the latex that comprises the bed you are considering is 100% natural latex. There are different types of latex available, including natural and synthetic latex and a combination of both. Synthetic latex contains synthetic ingredients and chemicals that are in no way natural. Whether you are considering Talalay or Dunlop latex, be sure that it is 100% natural latex. While there are a few other ingredients in natural latex (zinc oxide, fatty acid soaps and sulfur) rest assured, they are natural ingredients. Be careful not to fall for the "Dunlop/Talalay latex is the best and we only carry the best" tactic. Many manufacturers only carry one type of latex and will tell you that the latex they carry is the best. However, both Talalay latex and Dunlop latex are equally good products and a reputable company will offer you the choice. One rule of thumb to remember about the difference between the two types of latex is that Talalay latex will typically be softer than Dunlop latex of the same firmness category. For example, soft Talalay latex will be softer than soft Dunlop latex. Some manufacturers will try to confuse you by telling you that there is no such thing as natural Talalay latex. And, up until a few years ago, that was true. However, Latex International now makes a 100% natural Talalay latex product. Another consideration for the latex in your bed is the amount of latex that actually makes up the bed. Sure, a manufacturer can say that the latex in the bed is 100% natural, but that doesn't mean that the 100% natural latex comprises the whole bed, only that the latex in the bed is 100% natural. If you are buying a 12" mattress and the mattress contains 6" of latex, something else has to make up that other 6". After allowing for the wool or cotton that also make up the mattress, usually around 2", what else comprises the mattress? The answer is usually polyurethane. Many companies, in order to keep costs down, will use a 6" polyurethane core with 2" of latex on top. That's right, polyurethane. Why would you want to sleep on the same stuff that gasoline is made from? For more info : - Mattress Like it? Share it!More by this author |