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Finally, 88 metres of stone walls have been built and 186 insect hotels have been made and placed. The recommendations will be based on the results obtained from the conservation activities , the effects of these actions on biodiversity , the profitability of olive-growing farms and the economic situation of the study areas . By carrying out an integrated analysis of this whole set of results, recommendations will be made to make olive farming compatible with the recovery of biodiversity. A series of informative and demonstrative sessions was organised to present the project. In particular, the project technicians and the managers of the demonstration olive groves will contribute by reporting their experience first-hand during the implementation of the project. The sessions targeted the olive sector and they were structured to ensure that the participation of the audience was as active as possible, both when raising questions or expressing doubts, and when their opinion on the different matters discussed was requested. It is an astro-tourism enterprise that also certifies areas with favourable conditions for stargazing as “Starlight Reserves”. We are collaborating in the design of some of the activities included in the tourist packages that were tested in the framework of action E8. A collaboration has been established with this company, that specialises in the design and management of tourist packages and the organisation of events. They provided us advice on tourist packages and assistance in the joint creation of a tourist package that was offered in the framework of this action. Contact with this initiative was made during the drafting of the proposal and the early stages of the implementation of the project. I also enjoy proofreading, writing and editing web content. I'm available for short-term as well as long-term SEO Córdoba projects. I am a technical and content SEO with over 4 years of experience in leading agencies. The Provincial Government of Jaen is the public administration that best knows oleotourism, as it is the most experienced thanks to the programme “Oleotur”. Following these first meetings, other work meetings took place involving project officers, tour operators and officers of the Department of Tourism of the Provincial Government, including the officer in charge of “Oleotur”. The most relevant conclusions of this preliminary work were, on the one hand, that biodiversity was nowhere to be found in the tourist packages offered so far and, on the other hand, it could thus be a major asset to boost oleotourism. After the Communication Plan was completed, a press conference was held at the University of Jaen in April 2016, and the project was officially launched. This event gathered all project partners and co-financers and was covered by several media. Furthermore, they were surveyed about their subjective impression regarding economic benefit provided by the farm. Fever has also rolled out Fever Originals, which are proprietary events in which we follow a data-driven content creation strategy, using analytics to understand audiences and develop new, unique experiences. Now we have a stable and professional office, with maintenance service for these matters. With the rental option of web positioning, we take charge of everything. You only have to give us basic information about your sector, products/services and maybe even the names of your main competitors in Google and also in the natural market. A collaboration agreement has also been established with the Andalusian Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training , to include specific contents in the framework of the olive farming courses. In total, we were involved in 9 courses in 2018 and in 5 courses in 2019, reaching 350 olive growers. The results obtained have provided information that will be compared with the data collected in the final stage of the project, mainly as to what extent the sector is aware of the project. Results also show the olive growers’ perception of the environmental problems of the olive grove, as well as their willingness to adopt changes regarding certain aspects of farm management in different scenarios. Not only will certified olive oils be produced in olive groves where the required biodiversity increase criteria are met, but they will also have to meet the quality criteria set by the procedure. Given this interest, in February 2019 an information day was held at the Technological Park Geolit, and interested olive growers were invited. The 50 farmers who attended this event received information about the project progress and were given the opportunity to raise their questions. Finally, different activities for the general public have been planned to celebrate the European Natura 2000 Day or the Bird Day. Furthermore, they have designed an internal communication protocol to promote dissemination. Accordingly, the presence of the project in the press is being monitored. The dissemination work has had a remarkable impact on media such as the regional public TV channel Canal Sur, newspapersDiario Jaén,La Vanguardia,20 Minutos,Ideal, the news agency EFE and the national public radioCadena SERand television RTVE. In April 2019, a press visit was arranged to introduce different journalists to the project. In the first months of the project, 20 demonstration olive groves were selected within the distribution range of olive groves in Andalusia. I possess basic SEO knowledge and I can write post entries for blogs. The project has also been presented at fairs and national and international sectoral meetings, notably at Expoliva 2017 , Expoliva 2019,Olivo de MontoroFair, Futuroliva and OleoCarteya. In April 2019, fieldwork started with the monitoring of biodiversity indicators , replicating, at the post-operational stage, all the work of Action A2. Additional biodiversity surveys were conducted to assess the effects of restoration activities. The information resulting from this sampling complemented the information of biodiversity recovery, and reported the impact of restoration activities on a small scale. During the first year of implementation of the project, information was collected to set up the voluntary work camps organised in the framework of Action C9. Integrate the acquired knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social, economic and ethical aspects. Be able to solve problems, make decisions and judgments in the specific field of advertising and communication on the Internet. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. In addition, it is essential to establish the procedure and protocols necessary to convert to and be certified as Olivares Vivos. Initially, the following stages will be followed; these will be revised and detailed according to the results obtained in the different actions that have been implemented in the demonstration olive groves. In 2019, an old transformer in the demonstration olive grove Virgen de los Milagros, in Mancha Real , was renovated and turned into a “casa de vida”. The inside space was prepared to host many nest boxes of different sizes.Like it? Share it!More by this author |