Women are Busier Today Than EverPosted by Newsnot Noise on October 13th, 2015 Women wish they could clone themselves: One version for professional development, one for family, one for friends, one for self improvement. But since women's time is so limited women need to make smart choices about how they spend their time. Ladies, at highbrowlowbrow we are here to save you time. We source all the news and bring you the current events you need most. Our magazine editors pick the best stories of the week. topics range from - The Taliban's treatment of women - The best Halloween costumes for your kids - What is the latests with the Presidential campaigns for 2016 - Who should women vote for - What is happening in Syria - Why is there a refugee crisis - When did the evironment become so toxic - What are women doing well in the world - Where are women who need help - What does the Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, want? - What are women doing to help the world - What news do you need to know this week - What's the best news site Ladies, Girls and Guys reading the news is fun, but it can be time consuming. Highbrow Lowbrow offers a curated platform that takes care of all your needs. Sign up for our newsletter, enjoy the best stories on the week. Women stay up-to-date on all current events. Girlfriends stay connected with your world. This online magazine is all you need each week. Host and founder Emily Kaplan picks the best stories of the week. She looks for female entrepreneurs, mothers, women working hard and tells their stories. Emily Kaplan interviews interesting people. Emily Kaplan interviews news makers. Emily Kaplan strives to be the best journalist. Emily Kaplan selects the most important stories and gives you helpful background on international affairs, domestic policy, scandal and celebrity gossip. Highbrow Lowbrow provides a community of smart, ambitious, women. Mommy News Source, Mommy Blogs and mommy bloggers are welcome. Women work hard and have little time. Highbrow Lowbrow makes news gathering, news reporting, news consuming easy. Highbrow Lowbrow provides women with the news the need. News Not Noise. In the broadcast, Emily Kaplan, hosts the News Not Noise show. Emily Kaplan interviews Harvard professors, teachers, parents, parenting experts, negotiators, politicians, celebrities, inventors, entrepreneurs, women, girls, men, boys about their experiences. She talks with guest about how to make your life better. Like it? Share it!More by this author |