Employee Location Trackers for Reporters
Posted by sunainaram on October 13th, 2015
It’s a very difficult life for the reporters, especially the ones working on the field, collecting political, sports, current affairs and other types of news. They work erratic hours and have no fixed schedule. All that matters to the reporters is that they should get print-worthy news that will shoot them into the limelight. When you look from the outside, a reporter’s work day may look fun and adventurous. They probably walk into office each day with absolutely no idea of how the day is going to turn out. While it may seem very interesting, there is also a downside. The reporters may sometimes walk into places and situations, which can be very unsafe for them. Plus, there is no systematic manner to track and record the movements of the reporters. The solution for both these challengers is the employee location tracker.
This device works based on GPS location technology that will allow you to find the exact location of the reporter at any point of time. Yes, there are Smartphones that can allow you to contact the person anytime you want. But there are also situations and places where the reporter may not be able to get the network signal. So, he or she will not be able to contact the office regarding the situation. It is during such times that the employee location tracking device comes handy.
The employee location tracker works based on GPS technology. The signals from the tracking device are beamed to the Global Positioning Satellites that triangulate the signals to identify the accurate location of the reporter. The movement of the reporter can also be tracked on the service platform. So, the managers and others back in the office will know where the reporter is, and will be able to quickly get help to them in case of emergency or accidents.
The GPS tracking device is very small, almost the size of a matchbox. The reporter can carry the employee location tracking device in his/her pocket, bag, backpack or even a purse. The tracking device can be set to work in the passive mode, which will help conserve battery life. So, even if the reporter is out on the field for a couple of days, the people back in office will be able to keep an eye on the field agents. This tracking device battery will definitely last longer than an average Smartphone battery, which makes it a safer and more reliable option.