Wowtoes wow gold for cheap sale: World of Warcraft Legion Expansion Taking CentePosted by guoguole on October 14th, 2015 Recently, there isn’t some news about wow on wowtoes. Nevertheless, we always get together with all players and offer cheap wow gold to players. I believe that most fans of Blizzard are looking forward to arriving of 2015’s BlizzCon where is the holy site of various games such as Diablo, StarCraft and Warcraft. The special time of 2015’s BlizzCon events have been revealed. As wow players, you need to know some information about World of Warcraft. WOW Legion is highlighted in 2015 BlizzCon It is obvious that World of Warcraft’s next big expansion, Legion, is looking like the star of the show. It takes an hour and a half long to present “World and Content Overview” for Legion fills the much vaunted slot directly after the BlizzCon 2015 opening ceremony. Besides, following over the next 48 hours there are three more panels and presentations for World of Warcraft for a total of four and a half hours of Legion delight. According to the time plan, we can see the importance of the Legion delight. Because considering previous expansion Warlords of Draenor increased subscription rates by over 4 million users before peaking over 10 million, which is amazing. Blizzard’s other wonderful Content That doesn’t mean Blizzard’s other franchises will go ignored. However, Both Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft II will each have three events during the convention. Hearthstone is also an important place in BlizzCon. There is a Fireside Gathering of epic proportions. It is amazing and you can’t miss out visiting a real Hearthstone Tavern at the event. Enter the Hearthstone Tavern at BlizzCon and join fellow Hearthstone players young and old as they partake in a Fireside Gathering. You can challenge other players to match to get the Fireside Gatherings card back while you’re there. Blizzard has revealed the schedule Friday, November 6 Opening Ceremony World of Warcraft: Legion – World and Content Overview The Future of StarCraft II Heroes of the Storm: Hero Design World of Warcraft Cinematics – The Road to Legion Hearthstone: What’s Next Diablo III Dev Talk Overwatch: What’s New StarCraft II: Units – From Blueprints to Battlefield Contest Saturday, November 7 Hearthstone: Fireside Chat StarCraft II Sounds from the Void The World of Overwatch Heroes of the Storm – State of the Game World of Warcraft: Legion – Game Systems World of Warcraft Q&A Heroes of the Storm: Battlegrounds Closing Ceremony If you are an experienced wow player, you won’t want to miss the BlizzCon in 2015. However, there is still nearly one month before it comes. During this period, wowtoes will offer cheapest wow gold to help your level up. Dear WOW fans, BlizzCon in 2015will be coming on November, wowtoes as your best wow gold seller, offer cheapest and fastest wow gold to give you a smooth way!6% off code: WOW6OFF for all products at Wowtoes for everyone! Never miss 6% off code WOW6OFF to buy cheapest wow gold US/EU from http://www.wowtoes.comnow! Like it? Share it!More by this author |