How to Build a Wood Smokehouse or Outdoor Closet

Posted by Arnold Alstrup on May 26th, 2021

Hi folks, Jacob here we live in Alaska and we've always had a problem me and the wife of not having a smoker big enough to smoke the amount of fish we have so this year we decided to build one of ourselves. So this smoker we built is nothing more than a giant closet. You could fill this for an outdoor place to hang your shovels and rakes. You know anything you wanted, but we intended this to be a smokehouse, so we design it with some racks and hang purposes for hanging some salmon in and I'll show you inside what looks like, and then we put in a 4-inch pipe into an external wood stove Which I'll show you, on the other side, basically a pretty simple design? We got this wood-fired box here, so this is how we use that as a smoker. We built the for a smoker, but you could basically use this for anything around your yard anyway. Wouldn'T win the wife and I we got together and we said hey, we need to build a smoker. She come up with some plans and anyway we had a bunch of scrap left over of wood in the yard. So we want to burn a bunch of scraps, but this is all pretty much can be made out of plywood. It'S designed that way, so you can build it out of different types of material. It'S very easy to build. It took us about. I oh no made me and the wife together, maybe three hours at tops. You know the only thing that we have left to do is put some tin on the roof to keep the weather out, but on all a very simple project to build in this video. We'Re going to show you how to build it and how we built it, and you turn around and take those plans and build it yourself. Okay, so this is a very simple project. These are the two side panels we started with. Then we added some two by threes for the overall front and back very easily, and then we added some two by threes on the top. These would be for the roof, and then we added some two by threes on the front which will be for helping attach the doors then apply one on either side and then there's a piece of plywood that goes on. The back and you'll have two sheets a little bit left over and then you could use the left over for the roof. Then you can attach the doors and it will be a complete project. So here we are in the shop cutting the boards for the project. So now we have all our pieces cut and we're ready to go ahead and put our pocket holes in with the Kreg jig. This is a very nice tool and it works great because we're attaching these side panels and they are flat, and so it's easy to attach and assemble using a Kreg, jig, okay. So here's what the pocket holes look like we're using Internet material, so we're using two and a half inch screws. Now, as you can see, the side panels laid on the table like this can be assembled very easily, and then there we're using a Kreg jig clamp for attaching. So then, after we did that we went ahead, attach the front and back two by three panels to frame out the smokehouse, and we use some torque head screws to attach these. We just got done putting the four on now we're attaching the front ones for the front. Here we are attaching the bottom two by three and then we're all framed out. Now we attach the 2 by 3's on the inside of the front for the doors, so they would sit flush on the front to the smokehouse. When we went one day, I had what I had attached them. This works out very easily. We use some torque head screws, which worked great. We had a bunch of material left over some two by six time group. That was really not all that great, but it was good enough for a smokehouse. So, as you can see, using torque get screws and attaching on the first one and then put the next one in there and we're going to be putting these screws at an angle. To hide them and they work really slick that way you can kind of put in there at a 45 degree and done deal the next piece, slides right in and goes so now the backs on. We flipped it up, so we can work down and now we're attaching the two by sixes on there. Now, as Our site can see, some of this lumber is pretty tweaked and it was pretty tough to put it all together, but also the notice that the lumber is a little long. So I didn't have to cut each one, an angle to begin with. I cut them all at once. We got the two side panels done now. We went ahead and got our doors done. We use the same two by six material. We added a cleat in the middle basically made some heavy-duty doors, laid it on its back. The smokehouse and put the doors in and then we got, some barn style hinges and we attach those to the doors and to the smokehouse and it turned out pretty good. So here we are attaching the roof with the two by sixes and now a finished product. So basically we have a smokehouse. Now week later you go to the copy River. Here we get our fish. We got lots of fish this year. So now it's off to a couple days of processing fish and getting it ready for the smokehouse. And then I go ahead and get it ready for the smokehouse, as you can see a few more in there, we hang it up, let it dry and then we start to the smoker up and we smoke for a few days. Hey. So thanks for watching the video, I'm really excited that we have our smokehouse now now it's your turn go build it. We want to hear how you do in your smokehouse. We want to see pictures so send them and good luck. Building.

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Arnold Alstrup

About the Author

Arnold Alstrup
Joined: May 23rd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1