How to Rank Higher in Google's New Search EnginesPosted by Gentry Hicks on May 26th, 2021 Recent changes to Google helps it be seem like Google is no longer just one internet search engine but a variety of 6 or 7 different search engines all rolled into one. Your SEO efforts should now be geared to ranking high in these search engines as well as in traditional organic search. A little while back I wrote articles entitled "The Five Pillars of Google Search" and had I known how important those pillars would become, I'd have paid more attention to them. What I didn't factor into the equation was Google's whole re-structuring of its SERPs interface or landing page. It really is a whole new Google with not just one search engine but a variety of 6 or 7 search engines all competing for your attention. The new left side column using its new functions and displays, opens up new opportunities for webmasters to obtain their listings within Google on that important first page. Additionally, there are many new methods to view the results such as for example view everything or you can view with more or less shopping links. Plus you can even view Google results for books, maps, blogs, updates and discussions - all new ways to get your site or links into Google. Throw in the Wonder Wheel and things are indeed looking completely different within the new Google SERPs. As a full-time online internet search engine marketer, I will have expected something like this however the recent changes within Google has been totally unprecedented. We've seen major updates before, some of them very disruptive like the Florida update, but with Google Caffeine, MayDay Update, new layout and the recent shakeup of its Algorithm, Google has fundamentally changed how its organic search are ranked and used. Before I start sounding too cryptic, these recent changes seem to be a "coming together" of all several types of searches in Google which were around for quite a while. Now it seems with the brand new interface architecture... each kind of search is given more importance or rather more of an equal billing or footing within Google. There are now multiple ways to get your links viewed and hopefully clicked within the main search engine on earth. First, I always make an effort to start any piece on Google or the various search engines with a disclaimer. Mainly, throughout running 9 or 10 websites, I keep a daily tabs on the keywords which produce revenue, a few of these keyword phrases have been monitored by me for 6 or 7 years, however they are only a small sampling of keywords and sometimes drawing or making conclusions with such a small sample can be misleading or downright wrong. So take any of the following information on Google with this point in mind, just one webmaster observing what's happening with Google and putting in his two cents worth. Now, the reason I say "Google's New Search Engines" is the feeling which has gradually crept into my daily marketing - it feels as though you're no longer dealing with one organic internet search engine but 6 or 7 different se's. Let me explain, for years Google has been presenting results for not only static webpages but also for images, videos, news, blogs and shopping/products - but recent changes have shaken up things significantly. With the recent changes Google is apparently placing more importance on these new ways to search. Videos have taken a big step forward and can now pop up on the first page and stay there. Producing read more is now among the fastest methods for getting on the first page of Google, even for very competitive keywords. While many online marketers are benefiting from this fact, it really is relatively new and you can have a much better potential for ranking for a video rather than an ordinary website in Google. It can happen almost instantly. Personally, I like using the YouTube platform because it is also owned by Google plus they no doubt can easily tap into all of the background stats on a video such as for example comments, viewer ratings... and so forth. Quite simply, Google has always favored ways to make their SERPs more democratic and user generated/rated videos will be the perfect fit. So too are blog posts and entries, these can be easily monitored and (comment spam aside) are more democratic since it's harder to fake Diggs or Re-tweets. All of these social bookmark creating systems and sites supply the se's, especially Google, with some very helpful user-generated rankings and ratings. Blogs now also have two subcategories - Twitter/FaceBook Updates and Forum Discussions, which are now being displayed separately. Google is apparently placing more importance on popular Posts, Diggs, Tweets... in their SERPs. Again, I find using a simple Google owned program like Blogger to be a good way of ranking saturated in Google. For instance, my posts in Blogger are indexed in Google within minutes, this recently appears to have been speeded up and we are moving more towards instant search results. Another instant solution to get your content onto the initial page of Google is to use a News Release. Google has always listed News Items on the first page but this now seems to play a far more important role, especially when you consider all of the new features in the left side column. Surfers will probably stay on that first page longer and you also have a better chance of getting the news item read. Within the last couple of years, I have started doing PR ANNOUNCEMENTS, mainly through PRweb but there are many free programs you need to use. I also like posting my articles to American Chronicle since Google News accumulates and displays many of these items. Again, like videos, getting the News item listed is nearly instant and within seconds you could have traffic flowing to your internet site. Images and image search is definitely an important feature of Google Search. One which online marketers and webmasters took benefit of by creating images to complement the main products or keywords of their sites. Now image search itself is a lot more varied and has many more options to re-defined your image search, for example you could target a certain color or line drawings. Regardless, images can be an easy solution to get traffic from Google.Like it? Share it!More by this author |