Essential Oils One Must Consider for Total Relaxation

Posted by Uma on October 21st, 2015

Finding time to relax is easier said than done as it can be hard to switch your mind and body off when so much is going on around you. Even when you do find the time, you mind is probably still racing at the thought of everything you have to do the next day.

Essential oils can really help your mind and body to relax, as the gentle aromas penetrate your body. We take a look at the top essential oils that can act as the biggest intake of fresh air you have ever experienced—inhale, exhale and here we go.

How Essential Oils Can Help You Relax
Scents can have a very powerful effect on our emotions and mood. Pure organic essential oils contain molecules that have a powerful scent that can pass through brain and blood barriers. Hence their direct effect on the parts of our brain that control stress, anxiety, fear, and depression.

Although they cannot promise to work miracles and make everything in your life stress-free, they can definitely help you on your way to reducing stress and relax body and mind. It is true that studies often appear to be inconclusive as the very nature of aromatherapy argues for natural products over the science of chemicals and known medical products, but many people cannot sing the praises of essential oils enough.

There are a two main theories as to why aromatherapy may be of benefit to people struggling to relax. The first is that your body can absorb essential oils through the skin which then penetrate to your tissue. The second theory is that your sense of smell carries the oils forms your nose up to your central nervous system.

The theory behind aromatherapy is that each essential oil has its own properties that may give health benefits. One classic example of essential oils that people rely on for relaxation is lavender, which is commonly used to aid relaxation.

What Oils are Best for Relaxation
Lavender—Not only a favorite amongst Grandmothers but a favorite amongst beauty enthusiasts and sleep experts. Apply a few drops of lavender oil to your pillow each night and you will soon be dreaming on lazy days in France, surrounded by fields full of lavender—take us there now, please.

Geranium—This fragrant oil has a great calming effect and is good for those who are prone to panic attacks or who are always on the go, as it acts as a natural sedative. If you have a high-pressure job, wearing geranium may just make your day run a lot smoother.

Ylang-Ylang—This essential oil for skin care has produced great results amongst people suffering from insomnia or who feel low during their menstrual cycle. This oil is one of the easiest to find and is present in popular face creams and perfumes. If you know that you are due on your period, using ylang-ylang a few days beforehand can have very positive effects.

Wild Orange—If you are looking for an everyday oil that can uplift your spirit and leave you feeling refreshed, then orange oil is the one for you. We cannot get enough of this oil, it smells divine and will make your skin look great as well as leaving you relaxed and energized.

Marjoram—Essential oils from the marjoram plant can be particularly useful during periods of loneliness and grief as it is said to lift the mood during these difficult times. Feel like a little cry? Get the marjoram out for a great big hug from mother nature.

Sandalwood—If you are looking for the ultimate comforting oil, sandalwood is up there with the best. Taking a sniff of this oil is like breathing in all that is good in the world and suffocating the negative feelings within.

Frankincense—If it was good enough for the Three Kings to use as a gift then it is good is good enough for us. This strong smelling oil can alleviate symptoms of panic attacks by regulating breathing and taking away nervous tension.

How to Use
To get the best results, you need to use essential oils for relaxation everyday, rather than waiting for a bout of anxiety to take hold. You can easily introduce the oils that we have spoken about

Use as a moisturizer
The easiest way to add essential oils to your beauty regime is to add to your moisturizer. Many beauty products will contain some of the essential oils we mentioned or you can make your own moisturizer sing your desired oils. Anti-aging beauty regimes rely heavily on moisturizing your skin as dehydration is on of the major causes of wrinkles. It is important that you do not apply essential oils directly to your skin as you should always use a carrier oil or plain moisturizer to dilute the oil.

Use as eye serum
Natural oils for face can really aid in relaxation, especially if it is a part of your daily routine. Applying oils like sandalwood and neroli as an eye serum not only reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes but can also induce a flaming effect around your head. You can also add this oil to pressure points on your head, where you are prone to feeling headaches. Don’t forget to use a carrier oil so that you do not burn your eyes or your skin.

Use as a Perfume
Essential oils are naturally very fragrant so they are ideal for wearing as a perfume so that you can smell them all day long. If the smell of the oil is too pungent on your skin, try using a room spray or desktop atomizer for a more subtle smell.

We hope that this advice goes a long way in helping you to relax and unwind. By adding essential oils to your daily beauty regime, you enable the mind and body to feel calmer and help your brain see things more clearly. Just watch out that you don’t nod off during meetings!

About The Author:

This article is written by Maya Menon. Maya Menon is the Director of Marketing & PR, Uma Oils. Uma Oils is one of the best company that provides 100% natural & organic luxury skincare and wellness oils. These oils are grown, extracted, formulated and bottled entirely at a lush family estate in India. They carefully inspect every harvest, and handcraft our oils in small batches. They aim to transform skin and overall wellbeing with these oils as distinctive as the women who wear them.

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Joined: October 1st, 2015
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