Uric Acid In Blood: Causes And Troubles

Posted by Dodd Pappas on May 27th, 2021

Now-a-days, the individuals, who're health conscious and go for regular health check- up, are acquainted with the phrase "uric acid ".But many of them don't know what it actually is and what types of problems it could create in the torso if it contains excess of the acid. What's uric acid? From the nucleic acid of the living cells, by different metabolic processes, two substances called adenine and guanine are produced which are called purine. An enzyme within our body called xanthine-oxidase converts this purine, in three stages, to uric acid. Chemically, it is composed of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen whose formula is C5H4N4O3. The salt of it is called sodium urate monohydrate. Once the decay of cells occurs at an interest rate greater compared to normal rate, then the formation of uric acid within the body also increases. The utmost permissible degree of it in the blood of an adult male is 8mg/100ml of blood while that in a grownup female is 6mg/100ml of blood. If its level in the blood is more than the above maximum level, then it is known as hyper-uricaemia, which will be not really a normal condition. It is seen that generally its level in the blood increases gradually after 20 years old and in the event of females this occurs, particularly, after the menopause. The total content of the acid in the blood may remain within 900mg - 1200mg depending on the bodyweight, food habit and racial difference. 75% of it in our blood is excreted, unchanged, through urine, while 20 - 25% of it, changed to some extent, is excreted through the faeces. Uric acid in our blood is in the shape of monosodium urate, which, if increases, gets deposited in the joints and kidneys and causes diseases. How does hyper-uricaemia occur? Hyper-uricaemia may occur because of one or more of the next reasons: 1) Increased formation of uric acid due to genetic characteristics or metabolic malfunctioning of enzymes. 2) Chronic kidney disease ultimately causing less excretion of the acid through urine. 3) An excessive amount of intake of meat (lamb, beef) or sea-fishes. 4) Eating of fructose-rich foods. Sugar contains about 50% fructose. 5) Drinking of corn syrup. 6) Diseases causing rapid cell turnover, like polycythaemia, several types of leukaemia and a skin disease called psoriasis. 7) Drinking too much alcohol, particularly, beer. 8) Daily intake of suprisingly low dose of aspirin. An excessive amount of intake of tea or medicine containing caffein. 9) Thiazide like medicines which are accustomed to treat blood pressure and dropsy. 10) Medicines like pyrazinamide and ithambutol which are accustomed to treat tuberculosis. 11) Medicines like livodopa, methyldopa, cysplatin and cyclomerine. 12) When a heavy person tries to lose excess weight quickly, then there occurs a growth in the uric acid level in his/her blood. 13) While doing excessive physical work or exercise, there's an increased formation of lactic acid in the body. At that time, there may be a temporary increased production of uric acid in the blood. 14) Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, insulin-resistant disease syndrome'x'- in every one of these cases the level of the acid is high. Problems due to high uric acid level in blood This could cause mainly 2 kinds of diseases -- 1) Gout 2) Uric acid stone in kidneys Gout Gout arthritis is produced by increased uric acid level in the blood brought on by any disturbance in your body's purine or protein metabolism. Uric acid does not dissolve properly inside our blood. So, any excess of it in the blood gets deposited in our joints in the shape of monosodium urate crystals and causes inflammation. Gout is just a very painful disease of joints, which mainly occurs to aged persons. Males are 5-7 times more susceptible to this disease compared to the females. Axit Uric starts when the amount of uric acid in the blood crosses its normal amount of 2-7mg/100ml. It sometimes appears that the painful outward indications of gout arthritis start showing if this level in case of females exceeds 3.5-5mg/100ml and in case of males 5-7mg/100ml. Again, in Axit Uric there is severe gout, the particular level may be 20mg/100ml or more. Uric acid stone in kidneys When the total amount of uric acid in the blood is very high, then the surplus amount after saturation, which doesn't dissolve in blood, starts depositing in the kidneys, since 75% of the acid is excreted from your body through the kidneys. When the reaction of urine is acidic, then the kidneys cannot get rid of the whole of uric acid through urine. Moreover, during summer, when your body loses large amount of water or the individuals, who drink very less volume of water, for them there's a chance of easily developing stone in the kidneys. It's possible to not feel any trouble at the initial stage of kidney stone. Even, it cannot be detected by ordinary X-ray or scan because the urate stone is radiolucent. It might be detected by sonography only.

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Dodd Pappas

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Dodd Pappas
Joined: May 27th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1