What is an Activist?

Posted by Houghton Fenger on May 28th, 2021

What is an Activist? Well, by definition, an "activist" is a person who seeks to make change in the world. It could also mean a member of an organized political party or group, such as the Peace Campaign. It could also mean a nonprofit organization, like a church group. In short, it is anyone who attempts to make change in the world. The question becomes, however, how to tell if you are doing your part to make change happen. Is that enough? No, not at all! One must do more. One must be proactive in one's efforts to make change. One must take actions that can make a difference both in the short-term and long-term. So, what is an activist anyway? The dictionary definition is as follows: "A person devoted to social, political, social, economic, and environmental causes". Now, that leaves some wiggle room. Activism can be any of those things, it can be all of those things, or anything in between. Still, it is clear that a person who seeks to bring about change in the world is someone who believes that action can be a positive change, and that a person can be an "active" activist. So what is an activist anyway? An activist is someone who makes themselves available to be counted on in times of need. It means standing up and being counted; to lend a hand to others in times of need and to speak out when needed. Those who seek to become one do so because they believe that change can and does occur. They believe that there is a need for change, and that those who would like to see it happen should be the ones to put forth the effort toward making that change happen. So what is agency ? A person who decides to fight for change. Someone who believes strongly that change can and does happen. A person who will go to bat for that change, no matter what it takes. That doesn't mean that they will ever face opposition from those who feel that they have a right to keep things the way they are, to the point of fighting to keep them. Activists are not cowards, they are leaders. What is an activist? It's someone who is willing to do what it takes - including putting themselves under action. Doing what it takes often means being willing to risk something, to stand up and be counted. People who want to make change sometimes find themselves powerless. But people who are willing to take action in the face of that fear sometimes find themselves in the power position. It all comes down to the willingness to act. So what is an Activist? I think it starts with the individual, with the mind. If you can imagine someone who wants to become one, you've got a picture of someone who is willing to do what it takes. If you can picture someone who thinks that change can and does happen, you've got a picture of someone who is willing to do something about it. I've met many people who feel like they would like to be an Activist. So what is an Activist? Well, it's someone who knows how to make change happen. It's someone who knows how to get themselves politically active. It's someone who knows how to take action. It's someone who has a vision and is willing to make that vision a reality. So what is an Activist? It's a way of life. It's not for everybody. It requires quite a bit of personal determination and desire. So what is an Activist? It is something you develop over time. First of all, you must decide that you are going to become one. Next, you must determine what that 'something' is. Finally, you must figure out how to get yourself politically active so that you can effect change. So what is an Activist? It's the journey of becoming one. It's the realization that no one else can do it for you. You have to do it. Then, and only then will agency begin to see your dreams becoming a reality.

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Houghton Fenger

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Houghton Fenger
Joined: May 28th, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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