Calendar Men: How to Publish a Calendar Featuring Hot College Guys at your UnivePosted by Nick Niesen on October 28th, 2010 Ever thought of putting together a pinup calendar featuring hot guys enrolled at your college or university? Most people who think of creating a "Men of (Your) University" calendar assume that all they need to do is locate 12 hunky college males and have them photographed. This is true, but there are more tasks to publishing a calendar and many more than 12 college guys must be recruited. Besides recruiting, selection, and training of these student male models, there is production of the actual calendar, which includes photography, arranging graphic design and commercial printing. After the calendars are delivered, news media publicity must be arranged. Promotional Events must be held. But, first, the best college guys on campus must be found. After a decade of publishing, recruiting of college men is an area were Campus Men Calendar operation is an expert. There is a high demand to appear in pinup calendars of college men. Therefore, we do not cater to, or try to convince any one college student to appear. We want to be able to choose from many college guys. The theme of Campus Men's calendar photographs is very important to who we chose to recruit and select. We present young, all-American college guys in sensual poses in which the viewer never gets to see them. We answer the question of: I wonder what that incredible-looking guy I saw on campus would look like in bed? We have found that to sell calendars, we do not feature college men wearing sweaters. We appeal to the sexual motivations of the viewer, whether through a cute smile, great face or body or what little you wear. We attempt to give the viewer a fantasy of what it is like to be intimate with the college student. We also prefer photographs with a "college feel" - a collegiate or athletic feel to them, rather than "beach" photos to them. We try to plan imagery that brings college life to mind or portrays the college student as a sexy athlete. Remember, the theme of Campus Men Calendars is: "We show people what that athletic guy they passed on the quad looks like in bed." Far more than 12 must be recruited. Calendar production process calls for locating as many attractive males on your campus as possible. It is not usual to evaluate at least 125 college guys and as many as 500 during the entire process. If you want to organize a calendar, your goal should be to sign up hundreds of hot college guys. A large number must be secured because the most important issue - other than quality of photographs - is timing of delivery. Timing is very important. Calendars must be produced for delivery June 1 of each year. This allows a seven month long selling season, allows appearing college guys to sell calendars during the summer (when they have ample time to sell because they are not enrolled in classes; are usually home among family and friends; and eventually order more after selling out); allows us to sell through national magazines; and allows us to reach incoming freshmen college guys visiting the campus during orientation sessions, held during June through August. This means the calendar also will be on store shelves in time for college guys who arrive back for the beginning of fall quarter who shop for items to decorate the dorm or sorority room walls. Winter term is a poor time to recruit college guys because completing any activity takes generally more time due to cold weather. We cannot easily see what college guys look like because they cover themselves with clothing when outdoors. College guys generally stay indoors, become sedentary, gain weight, and do not have tans. If only 12 college guys are recruited, the operation can be delayed if even one college student drops out of the publication for any reason or is dismissed. We also need to recruit a large number of college guys because appearing in a calendar is not for everyone. We find that we must screen all guys to select only those who are willing to pose nude or nearly nude. Why? Because college oriented calendars are not the thing for timid or conservative young men. We have published many pinup calendars of varying degrees of provocativeness. Tame pinup calendars are nice. But, few buyers actually part with $15 to buy a boring male calendar. Calendars which have been more risqué have always been more popular in sales. We found this is the best profile for college guys to appear in a pinup calendar: Help in locating attractive college guys from other college guys is an extremely valuable resource. We found that advertising to get students to contact us did not bring in the "right" kind of college guys. Many young men who are perfect for a calendar would never think of applying. They must be invited. That is where student recruiters are valuable. We advertised to locate a team of students whose sole duty is to stop college guys on an informal basis. Advertising to locate recruiters can include classified want ads, fliers to sororities, career placement offices, and to all dorms and their resident advisors. We aimed for at least three "hard core" recruiters, a Greek system and a minority representative. Recruiters need not be female. Guys can recruit and sometimes find it easier to approach other guys in gyms, class and on the quad. We estimate 60 percent of the college guys our recruiters find will be acceptable. Of those college student 75 percent will accept our offer to appear. Therefore, to secure 22 acceptable college men, recruiters should locate 50 guys per calendar. Compensation to recruiters is a finder's fee paid per college student who appears in the calendar. Finder's fees are payable only if a college student the recruiter found appears in the calendar. We did not pay a finder's fee if we did not select the college student to appear, if the college student declined our offer to appear, dropped out before publication of the calendar, if we dismissed the guy for any reason, or if we did not publish the calendar. If you can locate a large number of attractive male college guys at your university, Campus Men can work with you to publish an edition of the Campus Men calendar which features college guys enrolled at your school. You must have an ability to identify many attractive male college guys on your campus, and guide them through the application process, follow up, collect and upload an image of every guy, and collect biographical info on each college student. You upload their name and email address and a photo to us through We must receive a snapshot or we ignore the guy's application. After a college guy applies through, you will collect a bio or interview the guy on video tape, and supply us with the tape. Then selection of new "male models" begins! Like it? Share it!More by this author |